While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of December 3rd, 2017:
With the Moon Full and Mercury retro coming in staying present is the TOP priority. When you notice yourself drifting to the past or worrying/ fearing about the future. Use your breath to come back to center. To come back to where you are at right now. To come back to what action or non-action (rest is sometimes the best step) can I take right now?
Empower yourself by focusing on and living in the present and this week will help bring your closer to the miracle you’re asking for. Fret and worry about the past or future and you are creating distance between yourself and the miracle.
The other aspect to the forecast this week is that it’s time to speak up! Shine your voice, this comes through more and more as you are empowered in the present and releasing the past and future. Knowing when it’s your time to speak up and when it’s time to listen to your inner voice for the next steps is key. Practice tuning into yourself at present and ask do I need to share my message or listen for inspiration? You’ll find that inspiration can come flooding in from unexpected sources and teachers AKA people who push your buttons are there this week to help expand you further.
This week also carries with it the energy of potential or of contraction of the solar plexus – pay attention to be sure you’re feeling empowered in this area as manifesting is turned on high and as we are empowered it helps us to consciously co-create what we want.
If this reading resonates with you, please share (at bottom of post) this post to expand the message to others who might also benefit.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Breaking out of your comfort zone, and seeing your bigger picture and path – not a super easy task but one that is yours this week if you are to move closer to the miracle you requested. Step back or up as I prefer and see your path from a detached place, your doubts and fears are blocking your true potential and it’s time to see them for what they are – an illusion – one that is keeping you in the same spot. It is your choice this week to strengthen your faith in yourself and your faith in the unseen forces that will help to raise you up if you ask and show up fully as yourself. Miracles can happen, but they can also take time as we find our way to meet them.
CARD 2 – JOY –
All about the solar plexus for you this week. The potential for big expansion and attraction of a miracle are coming from this place. Detaching emotionally from your goals and feeling into the pure joy of what you are creating. Feeling into pure joy in any way this week is highly advised. As I mentioned our manifesting is turned on high and the more joy we feel, the more joy we can expand and enjoy! Find a way to dance with life this week and let the energy of joy fill up your solar plexus. Watch funny things, let go of heavy emotions and laugh at your circumstance. Bring lightness in this week, it is so, so beneficial right now.
Feeling a bit ripped off this week? Got the isolation card when others got joy or faith? Ha, don’t worry because those cards still apply to you this week too! If this is the card you chose there is another aspect to creating your miracle – this is a representation of your inner child – that joy that faith hidden away. This is no longer acceptable to the social, joy-filled child. She may have been hidden away for a VERY long time or she may already be starting to peek out but one thing is true she is ready for massive healing this week. You may love having some peace and solitude, and especially as we come into the winter months it can be tempting to retreat, but she is asking that you reach out this week connect and have fun and when your hurts come up, it’s just a reminder that you are ready to heal. Pay attention to that inner voice this week to move towards the miracle.