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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly energy forecast first:
Week of February 11th, 2018:
Animal guides came up today, with a powerful energy rolling in this week as we navigate this New Moon. Beautiful, empowering energy coming through these 2 creatures one flows around the mountain and the others climb up intuitively with grace and ease.
With the 2 wisdom creatures coming in reversed today they do have important reminders to share with us. If you find yourself feeling some resistance towards others or new opportunities or circumstance (it may just be a twinge that you push down since you’re ultra-spiritual) pay attention to this. With the New Moon this week you have the opportunity to choose a new path, a new story. It’s the difference between trying so hard that you actually create resistance and following your intuitive flow and cycles for maximum output with minimal effort.
This can also show up when you’re giving your power away. Let me give you a few examples, but preface it by saying that ultimately you are the higher power in your own life, you are the decision maker and you are the highest authority on what is best for you. When we fall into a place where we rely on others for our direction, or where we feel our circumstance is not affected by us we are giving our power away and these power animals are not having it!
If you feel like you are fighting your way to the top – take some time to first care for yourself and then re-assess. Where do YOU want to go? What would feel amazing here? Do you feel like you HAVE to work crazy hard and struggle to get there? That you’re fighting against an invisible force? Get down to the big why, the root this week and re-focus your direction to one that you can flow to instead of trudge to.
Try connecting into your inner magical child this week – she knows exactly what is best for you, exactly what will feel best and get the best results for YOU. This week is based on you. How to bring more of yourself out to the world, how to recognize more of the amazingness of who you are and do the healing work you need to in order to follow it with action. Flow with yourself and follow the knowing inside to adjust course as required.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Let it go. Quan Yin is working with you this week, to help you with great compassion learn to flow in your own stream with your own current. As we step into the energy of the New Moon this week, surround yourself with compassion, allow yourself to breathe into your heart and ask that inner heart knowing, what do I really want? Follow it up with asking what do I need to let go of to allow this to become a reality? Replace struggle, anger, resentment, and frustration with forgiveness and compassion to make the most of this week and come out feeling fresh and renewed.
Drink more water. Oshun came up in the Full Moon at the end of last month as well. She’s really encouraging you to tap into your own knowledge of what you need to support yourself. Yes increased water intake is important as is being near water in nature. Listening to water sounds, having a fountain nearby to remind you to stay in the flow. These are all ways she works her magic and wisdom towards you. This week listen to the inner rivers that run and ask what they need to flow smoothly? You have the potential to increase your capacity to receive in any area of your life as you become harmonious with your inner flow.
Go now. Make your move! With the spirit animals that we have this week, it’s clear that Serapis Bey is on the edge of his seat, magic in hand and ready. Be sure that the direction you are going is aligned to your Soul, you’ll know because you’ll feel it in your whole body and gravitate towards it even if it scares you. You may find yourself out of excuses this week – thank God!!! It is time to take that action you’ve been considering and know deep within that it is your next step in ascension, it is expanding your potential and amazing things will follow. Don’t discount the small steps you are given – sometimes that is all we can handle and they create massive doorways of opportunity.
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