While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of November 13th, 2017:
Both energy theme cards this week pertain to the sacral chakra and as we move into the 11/11 energy from the weekend it’s no wonder our receiving chakra is highlighted. Sometimes as we try to manifest something or reach a goal we create a sort of tunnel vision around it. We feel we are taking the right steps because that is all we can see. This week I invite you to look at your goals from a new light – to see how you can best serve to be of service, to both yourself and those around you. Look at areas of your life where you are feeling resistance. What needs to switch? Where are you not serving yourself at the highest level. As you make adjustments here and realizations this week your strength will expand and propel you. The second thing to check on, is if you feel like you really deserve what you want? Not from a logical place but by really feeling into why you feel you don’t deserve it – asking yourself what memories, emotions are you ready to release here? Your manifesting is turned on high so you want to be sure that you subconsciously believe you deserve all that is coming to you. Let yourself bask in the light of abundance this week as you uncover new aspects of yourself.
If this reading resonates with you, please share (at bottom of post) this post to expand the message to others who might also benefit.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Your heart is calling this week. Keep in mind the general forecast about receiving this week. It’s time to receive some healing for your grief. Grief doesn’t just happen when we lose someone – it can also happen as we release aspects of who we used to be, of long-held dreams that need to shift. Of paths unexplored etc. Allow yourself to feel into your heart this week and uncover where you need to allow the grief to heal and release to allow in greater levels of who you are to shine through.
What I said in the entire general forecast – amplify it. This is THE week of the sacral chakra for you. Specifically, as it relates to your day to day activities. What habits and actions are you doing daily that support you? Celebrate them to amplify their effect. What actions and habits are holding you at a distance to what you really want to receive? It’s time to uncover and start to one by one release those. Tap into your passion and allow the best possible version of yourself to come out this week and take actions that support this to receive more awe-inspiring opportunities from the Universe.
Again! A sacral charka card amplifies what was mentioned in the general forecast. That is 4/5 cards this week that point to the sacral chakra. If you are reading this, this message is for YOU. you may have to find a new path as there is a loving guide standing in the way of this one. They are here only to show you that there is a better way, one that supports you and leads you to what you desire. Stay focused on what you wish to create at the very basic level (what emotions do you want to feel as you achieve it?) Then step back a moment and ask the Divine how you can in the highest and best way achieve it? Be flexible. If you find resistance in this areas to change or to remaining patient, it is the perfect opportunity to journal about why you feel impatient as there are energetic blocks ready to be released. Surrender this week in order to receive.