Ascension codes are spiraling at an increasing speed to earth. These frequencies increase perception of human potential and provide an opportunity for love filled cocreation on an expanded scale. This expansive co creation energy is calling for massive self responsibility and working with your ego and mindfulness to recognize that you have the power of transformation.
As we ascend (our natural evolution process) we come to a deeper understanding and practical application of our human abilities as keepers of the earth and keepers of 3D. We are moving to a more harmonious existence, out of our teenage years of thinking we know it all and acting from a place of ego and reactivity. We are maturing, and as we mature we are asked to take on a deeper self responsibility. We are asked to recognize the power of our focus, thoughts and emotions and make a conscious choice to move towards the reality we desire.
Personal responsibility and recognizing your human gifts is key right now. If you are focusing your energy the majority of the time on blame, judgment, fear, lack and other heavy emotions you will continue and accelerate the presence of these in your experience and perception of the world around you.
We know at this point, from Einstein and personal experience that you can not move into a solution with the same mindset and energy that created the problem. We must rise above our habitual thought patterns and claim our sovereignty as co creative beings. Beyond your gifts on an individual soul/ ego level, look at the big picture of the gifts of all of humanity. We co create the world we live in. We vote with our energy, intention, focus and emotion every single day for reality.
Personal responsibility means recognizing that power of choice and the increasing awareness we are gifted with right now.
If you find you are thrown about by society and feel off center with everything that is going on, take time daily to connect within, connect to nature or to your Divine Source. Allow your focus to shift inwards and rinse away the programming of ‘what is’ and create the feeling of connection, peace and support within you. In this way to remind yourself what is true, and also what is illusion.
You give your nervous system a much needed break and give your thought patterns an interruption so you can create new, more supportive thoughts and beliefs that propel you in the direction of your Soul desires and in the direction of a world you want to see.
This simple process of disconnecting from ‘what is’ and reconnecting to what is desired on a soul level is very mature for us! We recognize that personal responsibility and put our foot down that we are no longer just swimming along with our programming – we are actively choosing to move in a more harmonious direction.
A big theme for February is empowering yourself for personal responsibility. Start where you are at. Support yourself mentally, physically and energetically however you can right now. There is no formula or right way to ascension, simply doing what you can when you can and reminding yourself who you really are. Feeling the expanded nature of your brilliant Soul self and how amazing you can feel when your personality and your soul self are reunited and working towards a common goal.
We find and connect to the unity within ourselves to anchor and spread that unity energy into the collective. Everything that we do individually impacts the collective.
We are offered a space of freedom in February, where forward movement and breakthroughs on a mental/ emotional level are available for us to step into.
We begin the month under a New Moon and as the first week of February progresses, the fresh air we have been asking for is delivered. It feels as though there is a gateway of possibility in February that kicks off on 2/22/2022 while that new moon energy supports us into a newness that many of us have been waiting on since January.
At this beginning phase of the month and moon I encourage you greatly to spend a little time going within. Connect to your heart, the earth and the divine – simply through your breath and focus. Center yourself and ask where you are still restricting yourself in old habits and thought patterns and commit to actualise your power though personal responsibility. Claim your ascended human maturity and give your focus and attention and habit to what you want to bring it. With the increase of clarity and lightness of energy even if you thought you were in a confusing dark place, there is opportunity here to listen to your inner guidance and understand the steps to break free and align deeper to who you really are.
So February opens up with this power filled gateway between you and soul. This gateway remains active and open through to 22/2/2022 when we will be given an opportunity to use that discernment and creativity to leap forward. It’s like we are going into a new training program in February, being led to empower ourselves and surround ourselves with habits and thoughts that feel amazing.
A word of awareness, if you have been feeling like you’re trapped in a loop throughout January and maybe earlier, and you have thoughts and beliefs running around like ‘I can’t get out of this, why am I in such a funk, and general self judgment and harshness – this is your reminder to stop it! Forgive yourself. Forgive the intense emotions, forgive it all, forgive it all. And let it go. Remind yourself that it is possible and safe to feel these emotions and release them. Not to carry them as a part of you.
So again, we’ve got February starting off with some expansive light, clarity and forward movement and encouraging us into our personal responsibility of choice and focus. When we stand strong in knowing we are powerful and whole and complete we open up to waves of Divine inspiration. February is just beautiful for potential transformation into a whole new perception of reality.
As we progress, February holds and supports us and increases the fire energy within us to get up and create/ be that change we desire.
My biggest guidance for February is to make the time to go within. Connect to your heart and ask how you can support yourself and give permission for your highest vibration guides to intervene, to guide you and align you to your highest path.
In February the fog lifts, the sun begins to rise and it’s like we;ve just been slogging away and climbing and climbing and all of a sudden realize that we’ve reached the top. We can see a whole new vista from up here. We can see the world that is possible, we can see the version of ourselves that is possible.
This is some seriously awe inspiring energy available to us in February, so remember to empower yourself to tap into it and anything is possible.
Keys for February:
Reclaim who you really are by focusing within daily, in any way, for any amount of time. You are a powerful creator and keeper of 3D Earth.
Recognize thought patterns and loops that are disempowering you and giving the illusion that in some way you are not enough or not worthy. Recognize them and empower yourself to call out the bullshit and remember who you really are. Infinitely worthy and deserving in every way. If you are here, you are important and you have a role to play in this ascension process. You are the embodiment of Divine value!
Open yourself up to what else is possible. It’s all about breaking free and recognizing the masterful progression of your life and lessons and your ability to persevere throughout all of it. If I was unlimited, what else is possible for me? Let your creativity spark.
March will continue on this theme of co creation and empowered human abilities so create some space for all the beauty that you are bringing to the world!