Today I’m exploring the energy of feeling deflated as a lightworker. Feeling like your balloon just doesn’t have the air you know it could have or that you feel it once had.
When I’m feeling into this energy I’m seeing it represented visually through 2 types of balloons.
Balloon 1 is a latex balloon – this represents your feelings of connection, purpose, creativity, openness and is centered in the heart and sacral mainly. When this balloon is deflated we may feel more of a disconnect/ depression energy.
Balloon 2 is a foil balloon – and this is the balloon I’m focusing on more so today, that my guides are bringing up as a priority for me to focus on through this as well as many other teachings I’m offering right now.
This foil balloon represents your capacity, your expression, your earth connection and is centered mainly in the solar plexus, throat and root. When this balloon deflates we feel anxiety, we may also find that things are not moving forward and this is due in part to the fact that this balloon, and our nervous systems feel worn. They don’t have the capacity for us to keep going the same way we have been. Our energy and body are calling for nurturing and a shift that will allow the balloon to re-inflate to bring us back to our natural buoyancy.
Over the last 5 years I was being invited to upgrade both balloons. I was being given messages from my nervous system that reached a boiling point with a deep nervous system initiation a little over a year ago. For years prior both balloons were slowly deflating but it was subtle enough that I kept going. It wasn’t until I felt the full deflation that I really learned to listen to my body and energy system on a new level. It took a massive nervous system break to get my full attention – in hindsight this was exactly what I needed to really get into the depths of this deflation energy to observe and learn to rebuild and inflate my nervous system and capacity. As I continued on my journey I came back to my natural state of receptivity, creativity, openness, expression and back onto my path of service and spiritual expansion. I was in a physical and energy body that once again had the capacity for these things.
When you are expanding your capacity to receive at any level it is beneficial to take the physical body, and specifically the nervous system into consideration. In my experience it is a direct physical correlation that will allow or disallow energetic upgrades and quantum leaps in potential.
As with everything I explore I found that increasing your capacity and inflating your balloon has a physical aspect, a mental aspect and an energetic aspect.
The physical aspect relates to emotions, energies and belief systems stored in the body.
The mental aspect relates to conscious and subconscious ways of thinking, beliefs and inherited patterns.
The energetic aspect relates to what is stored in your Akashic field as well as how energy flows (or stagnates) in your body.
All of this is shifting. What worked for us years ago may need to be upgraded. As we continue on our spiritual path, the light quotient – or amount of light we hold creates shifts in all of our bodies.
Our physical body’s needs shift. Our mental body becomes more transparent, and our energy body becomes more refined so that densities that didn’t bother us before suddenly stop us in our tracks.
I remember at certain points in my healing journey I felt like there was no longer a barrier of any kind between my subconscious and soul memories and what I was feeling in my body. Everything felt like it was on the surface and everything came at once.
This was extremely challenging at the moment and I enlisted all the help I could get – even at one point calling a crisis hotline just to have someone listen and reassure me I was not dying. This was a more extreme version of nervous system initiation – I tend on the extreme feeling side of things to make quick leaps in understanding and to really get into what it takes to heal, which in the moment it felt quite challenging I was also always acting as the observer and taking note of what helped me every stage of the way and why it helped me.
This expanding capacity and nervous system energy upgrade may resonate with you and what you have been expiring or moving through. Maybe your balloon is starting to deflate or maybe you’re getting close to that boiling point where you have no choice but create a change and a more nurturing environment for the shifts happening in your physical and energy bodies.
If this is the case I encourage you to check out the recent work I am doing in this area. My guides have been flowing through with an abundance of teachings, workshops and healings to assist with this pathway.
You can look through my website to see what jumps out, I also encourage you to start with either the Recalibrate Workshop which has come through as a training session and guided shamanic healing journey or Harmonize, my 9 session workshop and energy healing practice that will assist your nervous system and energy body to come back to a start of balance with all the new energies that are now flowing to the surface.