We are in for an interesting few months as the New Moon energy will be amplified almost continually throughout. We have amazing opportunities and doorways opening all around so aligning with a higher perspective is everything at this time.
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When we are aligned with a higher perspective we accept that we may not know how things are going to work out but find peace and joy in the not knowing – a lesson for many of us right there! Our aligned perspective is one of empowerment in knowing that we are worthy, that we are capable and that we are right where we are supposed to be. With a higher perspective we have a positive/ optimistic mindset (a true feeling of optimism, not that fake smile kinda thing, if you are not feeling it than honor what you are feeling and begin to move through it, more on that process here) and are open to a totally new way or idea that we had not thought of.
This New Moon brings with it the opportunity for clearing and embracing our true Goddess essence. This energy has been building for some
time and now many of us are ready to take action. Consider what is ready to go in your life. What food or drink is no longer feeling great in your body? What thought pattern is seriously dragging you down? Consider judgment, expectation, blame, self-criticism as a few examples of ways of thinkings that we can get addicted to. Speaking of addictions, it is also the perfect time to see what you repeatedly do that is not for your highest good? Not all addictions are substance based. Many times our addictions are to patterns and expectations, that when changed created radical shifts in our reality.
We have this beautiful doorway opening up to call in more flow, less expectation. We have the opportunity to receive Divine support and compassion to help us with what we are releasing and embrace the deeper aspects of ourselves we’ve been hiding away (generally this is unconscious, but the New Moon is highlighting)
The message coming through this week is very supportive and encouraging that you are doing a fabulous, amazing job of overcoming challenges and stepping up. Give yourself a hand and some gratitude – feed yourself some feel-good energy because you are doing amazing. All manner of good things are opening up for you right now. Align your perspective to one of gratitude and trust, taking action as you sense the right path and incorporating joy and grounding into every day.
The energy flow is so beautiful and happening naturally right now, this can easily stir up old heavy and unpleasant feelings so it is your #1 take away from this New Moon guidance is to stay committed, stay focus on what you want to create more of in your life. Keep this simple by focusing on emotions such as joy, empowerment, creativity is you’re not positive on your path. Keep the energy light of “Hmm, so fun that I’m not sure what’s next, thank you thank you thank you for my clarity, my abilities, my insight, perspective and alignment. Thank you thank you thank you.” Once you let go of expectations and the need to know is when the juicy information tends to come to you.
Keys to remember:
- Release 1 habit, way of thinking or addiction with Divine support
- Get your perspective on straight and be sure you see yourself in an empowered, grateful light
- Stay focus on what you do want to bring into your life
- Know that you are doing amazingly well, totally supported and have the abundance available to you in every area of your life
All in all, this is a massively beautiful, cleansing and flowing energy coming in with this Moon and it is up to us to align our perspective and make the most of it.
Take your New Moon work deeper with the New Moon Release and Refocus Guided Shamanic Journey created specifically for Summer 2018. Get this and way, way more in the Sacred Library.