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There has been no shortage of press in the last decade on the law of attraction. All of this attention on one of the Universal laws is fantastic but very much incomplete with most of the information being shared with the public.
Many of us are being told to think positive, visualize what you want to achieve and allow it to come to fruition, and many of us are also getting frustrated with this. Wondering why it appears to be working for others, but not so much for us.
There are 3 key areas I want to look at today that help to pain more of this picture for you and help you create money miracles in your own life.
#1 > Beliefs play a huge role, as do subconscious beliefs aka the shadow
While you might be saying and thinking I am a magnet to money, your body and energy are screaming “I can’t afford that”, “I don’t deserve that much”, “money is for other people not me”, “I feel shame around the amount of debt I have”.
#2 > Connection to your intuition is of paramount importance
The Universe is flowing things to you all the time. Opportunities to shift direction, nudges of what action to take next, guidance and encouragement. You don’t have to meditate for 2 hours a day or become crystal ball psychic to tune in and follow this guidance. You do have to become present and trust yourself.
#3 > Being detached to outcome is crucial
When you are so attached to an outcome, so needing something and stressing, worrying about it, and telling the universe EXACTLY what it is you want to co-create that limits and creates resistance for you. #1 it restricts the flow of universal creativity for you to be surprised by the Universe’s input to your desires. If you ask for $1000 cash from this specific flow of income and are refreshing the screen waiting for the notice to come in you can see how that is counterproductive. With that same intention of $1000, being open to it coming in from anywhere, saying thank you in advance, then being present to listen to the whispers and follow the fun and magic the Universe is putting out. The more you can forget, release, surrender, cut attachment to your desired outcome the more wiggle room it gives the Universe and this is the space of miracles. When you feel ‘I need need need this to work’ it restricts your flow. When you feel ‘ how could it get any better than this?’ it creates open space, and the Universe loves some open space
With these 3 keys now in your knowledge add that to the affirmations, gratitude, and visualizations and now you’re getting somewhere. Check money miracles month here.