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Shifting Your Perspective on Moving Forward
Show Notes:
I was guided to share this message with you this week. So many of us feel like we are taking steps backward. Feeling like we are wanting to move forward but feel resistance come up. This is fabulous!
This is an indication of progress. I’m going to give you some visuals to work with this week:
Visual number 1. We often think that out path in linear like we are moving only forwards or backward when the pathway to our desires is actually up. For a few steps we do go forward then as the resistance come in to balance we feel like we are going backwards when in reality we are still moving up but have to deal with the shadow side.
This can show up as when we are trying to manifest money and start to open up and examine our shadow, the subconscious side we notice ‘triggers’ or things that make us uncomfortable come up. Again this is a great sign that you are shaking things up. This is the feeling of ‘backward’ steps, but like I said it is actually your invitation to release that old program and make a new empowered choice. Often we stay in the same pattern so will go around and around on the same level until we do shift things and then our circle tilts upwards like a spiral staircase and we feel the progress.
Visual number 2. A game of peekaboo. When you play peekaboo with a young baby their perspective is that when you are behind that blanket they can’t see you and so you’ve gone. That’s it. You are no longer in their reality. Then when they see you again – pure joy. It’s like OMG you’re back I thought you were for sure gone forever. Much like a baby our perception is our reality. So when we notice the lack of something in our life (when it is hidden behind the blanket) we assume that’s it. It’s gone. We are a little more complex though because we’ve been programmed by previous experience and early beliefs that may make us think well it’s my fault that that is gone, it’s because I’m not worthy or don’t deserve it etc. Then we get in this conscious mind spiral and instill the belief that the thing we desire is in nowhere land behind the blanket the place of lack. It is only when we lift the energetic blanket up a bit and open to the possibility that we are connected to it. As we open up to believing it is still in our reality. Once we are in this space solutions, energy, ideas rush in to co-create it into our reality.
Visual number 3. Picture a circle. A line travels up from top to bottom and from side to side. You are left with an axis where the two lines meet. This space directly in the center is you in balance. The horizontal lines are the past and future with the present right in the middle. The more you are in the present the more forward movement, expansion and growth you will experience. The vertical line is your connection above and below. To the Earth and above to the Divine and your intuition. The space in the center is your human connection. When you allow these 2 to intersect you are working in the present moment from a grounded place with a connection to Source. You are flowing intuitively and balancing moving forward. This place of balance ensures that no matter what stage you are at, you are exactly where you need to be. Focus yourself in this space as often as possible when you want to move forward on something. This will mean something a little different for each person as to what allows you to feel present and connected above and below so finding your own rhythm is key.
Throughout all of this your hearts works as your anchor containing with it the good stuff from each example. When you are feeling off or like you’re not making progress or moving forward try tuning into your heart to come back to your balance, shift your perspective on what you are moving towards and allow the solution energy to flow to you.