A big hurdle for me about 18 months ago was trying to find time. My time went to working on my virtual assistant business, staying at home with my kids, keeping the house up and the million other things that come with everyday life. I was getting super stressed about ‘not having time’ for myself or to continue my life coach training.
Then I started to look at things differently, as in ultimately I am the one who gets to chose what I do with my time. I get to chose when I go to sleep and when I give myself self-care time. I also came to the realization that when I spend time on myself, I am a better mother, wife and friend because I’m not a ball of stress!
I also started reading books like the 4 Hour Workweek and Rip-up Your To-Do List. That is when I came across Einstein’s principle that you can actually accomplish more by doing less. Here are my 5 rules for creating more time, or time alchemy as I like to call it – largely inspired by Einstein.
1) When you are doing a task focus on that task. That means no multi-tasking. Most people are aware of this one, but it is very important. When you are working on something with focus (bonus points if you have passion too) you can have the task accomplished in a fraction of the time. This is a lesson in mindfulness, simply paying attention fully to the task at hand will increase your enjoyment of the task. Releasing your attachment to what you may or may not have done in the past, not worrying about the future, but only concentrating on what is happening present moment. Ahhh. A great tip to get into that place is to just quickly do some breathing exercises to get your mind closer to that zen place. As you inhale count (1,2,3,4,5) pause for a moment and then exhale (1,2,3,4,5). Repeat this a few times and then look at your task again with more focus.
2) Believe that you have time. This is law of attraction basics: if I continually say to myself and others ‘I’m so busy, I never have any time!’ The law of attraction will bring that to me, more and more of it. There is nothing fun about being busy, and our obsession with it has to stop. If we are constantly busy with no down time how can we ever catch up to our own brain? Today start to tell your new story: I always have time to work on things that bring me joy, and I always have time to care for myself.
3) Prioritize. Now that you have the belief that you have time and you are ready to focus on it, it is time to decide what to do. Prioritize what makes you feel good. Have a project that when you work on it lights you up inside and you feel like you could talk about it for hours? That is your priority. The more often you feel that joy, the more that joy will come into your life in other ways. And on and on. Again the law of attraction, this time working very much in your favor and rewarding you for doing something that makes you feel good.
4) Get started. If you have a zillion projects that you want to work on, a house that needs cleaning etc. etc. and are so overwhelmed that you do nothing, you may notice that time goes by quickly and very little gets accomplished. Now if you take care of that overwhelm feeling, either by meditating for 10 minutes, doing a little EFT or any other clearing technique you are on the path to getting a sh*t load accomplished. So take the 10 or so minutes to calm yourself and then sit quietly and ask yourself what will be the most beneficial and joyful thing for me to work on right now. The first thing that pops into your head is what you should do. Visualize what it will feel like when it is totally done and just take that in for a moment. Then it’s time to spring into inspired action and get moving on your task it will get done even faster than you imagines.
5) You are your #1 investment. Without your health, well being and joy, every task will seem to take longer. Putting yourself as the top priority will spill out joy and love to all areas of your life and it not only will it help you create more time, but you will enjoy the time you have that much more. Consider taking up meditation, yoga, reading inspirational books, or anything else that settles you nicely. Chose to do the things that make you feel good, and appreciate the things that bring you joy.
Bonus Tip
Delegate. I delegate everything I can. I have virtual assistants for business things and my kids have their chores. I have amazing babysitters that I don’t hesitate to call upon. Don’t try to do everything yourself, think about what you can start to delegate and release those things from your to-do list!