If you’ve been following me you’ll have noticed that I have been making changes EVERYWHERE. I’m basically Spring cleaning my business and upgrading based on the new energy that is settling for me. I know many of you are feeling this ascended energy and are also putting back together the pieces of your newly ascended selves and businesses – congrats.
One of the places I’m making big changes is to my podcast. I am so grateful to have 77 episodes in with the Happiness Alchemy Podcast and still treasure many of the episodes and all of the interviews I’ve conducted on that incarnation of the show. With this new energy the podcast name has shifted to the Practical Ascension Podcast and I am thrilled to start to get my episodes out!
This podcast will not have the weekly ascension guidance, instead on Mondays, you will find a modified version of this on my blog and on my Facebook page and group that includes a slightly shorter version of how to navigate the energy for the week.
What I will be offering up is a Monthly Practical Ascension Guide on my podcast on the first of each month so stay tuned for that!
I also have a Divinely guided list of episodes planned out so expect a new episode each week that will include a topic focused on moving through ascension energies in a grounded way – because let’s face it we are pretty well always in a time of great energy now so we might as well get used to it and adapt.
Finally my interviews will remain pretty close to the same, as close to weekly as my schedule will allow. I have some wonderful guests lined up and I’m excited to continue this tradition of connect with and helping to draw attention to all the powerful lightworkers out there.
You’ll also be hearing refer to my membership website the Practical Ascension Membership Portal regularly as this is where I will be housing some more in depth teaching, experiences, guidance and more that will help to deepen your practical ascension journey.
The free membership area, aka sage membership, is now open and forever free so get access with the link in the show notes below.
In the coming weeks I will be launching the paid memberships so stay tuned for more on this powerful expression.
Now for a little more on what exactly I mean by practical ascension. As I mentioned we are going through an on-going time of ascension of heightened energy of rapid transformation and evolution. As lightworkers we are aware of this energy yet not always fully equipped to move through these changes in a practical and elegant way. This is where my podcast and the shift in my work focus comes into play.
I will be focusing greatly on practical ways that lightworkers like you and me can make the most of this energy without being totally thrown off or burnt out. In a way that allows us to continue to expand and bring more of our gifts, light, teaching and healing to the world – you guested it – in a practical way. I’ve always been a big fan of less fluff and less complicated spiritual messages and more advice and guidance that we can actually fit into our day. Bridging an ascended spiritual life with a modern one where there is a lot happening. It is my journey and purpose and I am overjoyed to be able to share with you many teachings that have been coming my way through a group of guides known to me as The Ascension Awareness Collective.
I am very excited about what is to come and what has already shown up so I hope you will join me on this journey and as always I welcome your feedback and encourage you to connect with me on social media – share what is coming up for you and if you have suggestions for topics for the podcast I am open to hearing more! Thank you so much for sticking with me through this transition and welcome to the new Practical Ascension Podcast!