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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly energy forecast first:
Week of March 4th, 2018:
March is coming in with a clear, beautiful energy that is expanding us into our potential. For most of us in pretty intense ways! You may have been noticing heavy, confusing, uneasy emotions with the Full Moon and continuing on into this week as we move to integrate the higher vibrational changes into our life. When we ask to serve at a higher level, to come the best version of ourselves the Universe will always provide an opportunity for just that. This may mean that you have a lot of ‘stuff’ coming up. This is part of the process and one that assures you as you face it, process it and move it you are setting yourself up for a new and improved reality.
To work with the energy this week it is important to take care of your physical body. It may need more water, a cleaner diet, a lighter diet, more movement, more rest, more grounding. Tune into your own body and ask for assistance from Archangel Raphael, as you connect to your heart and give permission for Raphael to help you out you can simply ask what your body needs and allow the answer to come to you. You will feel so much more emotionally and spiritually in balance when you take care of the physical. There is no way to anchor down these higher vibrational energies without attention paid to this area.
During all this inner work you’re doing, you are still being called to be of service at the same time. Again, balance, balance, balance. Call upon Archangels Azreal and Raphael this week to help you balance your giving and receiving. You can’t give in a balanced sustainable way unless you first receive and are in a place of love.
This may mean taking time this week to deeply care for yourself. Much like the focus of the physical body’s health, the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are required balance. It’s as simple as tuning in and asking what you need. Be sure that you are also asking the angels to support you, to release what no longer serves you and to offer up healing energies. There is no need to go it alone on your healing journey, and these angels are being very vocal this week to get that across. Call upon them. Breathe into your heart as you allow yourself to connect, the more you practice the more you will feel the subtle energies.
One thing is for sure, beautiful healing is happening this week, so pay attention to what you need to keep things in balance.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
This card comes so very often. So much of our confusion and pain can be eradicated with writing! Working with Archangel Gabriel this week to write is hugely beneficial to your balance. Feel into it to see how the writing will support you this week. Is it getting moving on a writing project? Is it journalling to sort out and understand what you are feeling to consciously release it? Maybe it’s writing freely without judgment or hesitation and just allowing what is within to come out? Either way take time this week to write and if you’re feel blocked up change your environment, and get inspired to bring some new energy to your life.
You need a little break from heavy emotions especially this week. Sit in the energy of forgiveness towards yourself and others first. Ask Archangel Zadkiel to help. You can try Ho’ oponopnono while you breathe into your heart. Doing this ESPECIALLY for situations that are bothering you. For areas of your life you feel stuck. When you hold tight to heavy emotions you feel stuck, so forgiving is the first step towards a solution. Following that up by breathing into your heart and repeating the word compassion and you relax and center yourself. Then expanding that compassion out all the way around you, the situation you are in and any people involved. Coming at the week from a place of a full heart will help to create the best solution for everyone and level up your emotional state.
Receiving time!! The answers and solutions are coming down this week so be sure that you are listening. If you haven’t been sending out requests take some quiet time this week and vocalize what you want. Vocalize it and call upon Archangel Sandalphon to carry the solution to you. Then get into the energy of receiving. Do things that bring you pleasure and joy. Allow yourself to be treated, to care for yourself. To ask what your body, mind, spirit want and to receive that now. This opens your channels of receiving and allows the energy of your solution to get through. Sometimes we just try to hard because it’s the logical solution when there is in fact an easier path to the same desination.
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