You have no control of what anyone else does or says. Ever. In contrast you have COMPLETE control over what you do, say and even feel.
“No on can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
It is the perfect time to start to stand in your power and take responsibility for yourself. With responsibility comes freedom. You are free to make the choices that are right for you. You are free to feel however you wish to feel.
Here is how it works with the law of attraction:
If you chose to allow others to dictate how you feel, by telling stories of negative things, running them through your head again and again you have given up your power. Things can spiral and with enough negative focus, you will get more negative or drama in your life. When you chose to release the negative emotion as soon as you notice it and instead place your attention upon the positive and stay in this place, not only will you FEEL good but you will attract more and more good things.