When you want someone to change for the better, whether that is someone who is sick to heal, or a child to stop a certain behavior there is one part of the puzzle that you have complete control over.
Yup, you guessed it, your own vibration.
Do you realize that by focusing on the issue (sickness, behavior) you are actually expanding it and bringing more of it into being? By talking about how so and so is not well, or how bad your child is misbehaving you are sending the vibe out into the Universe to attract more of the same to your experience?
By holding a perfect vision in our mind of how we desire for the other to feel we can start to affect them vibrationally. If you have a child, for example, that continues to offer the same behavior no matter what you try, consider focusing strongly every day for at least 5 minutes on the best version of them. In their most happy and peaceful moments. Send all the gratitude and love that you feel directly to them. They may not notice but they will feel it on a vibration level.
Your next step is to emulate the happy and peaceful behavior yourself, again sending out the vibration. All the while you have released control over the situation. You have trust that it is currently improving, but are not forcing your beliefs upon another, you are simply speaking to and affecting them on their vibration level.
In the end there is personal choice, and there are MANY more factors involved, but sending your good intentions will only ever increase love and positivity to the person you focus on.
Pretty cool hun?