What??? I use manifesting and the law of attraction to get exactly what I want you say? I want what I want when I want it you say?
Hmm, well this makes things tricky. You see the Universe has a fab plan in store for you, but the only way to co-create with the Universe is to be open to possibilities. If you insist to the Universe I want to be with this specific person, or I want this specific house, or I want to travel to this specific place, you close the Universe in. However when you express and intend what you want to feel like and give a few key points then, well then the Universe is free to make quick work of your manifestation and it already had everything lines up anyway. Now that you are not resisting or trying to control things can happen. But it might not be what you want. Um, who cares? It will be better, infinitely better. Plus you will be surprised and delighted by all the magic along the way.
Your job is to release that TIGHT grip you have on the outcome of what you want. Let it be known to the Universe what you want to feel, then notice where in your life you already feel like that. Now focus on that. You are speaking the language of vibration now, vibrating at the frequency of the feelings you want, plus your are totally flexible and open so the Universe doesn’t have a thousand blocks to get around to deliver to you what you need. Whew!