Worries, most of us have them, and if you don’t please contact me – I would love to know your secret! What are we to do with them? We know that limiting beliefs and worries block us from manifesting what we want in many cases. So how do you deal?
I use the rule for worrying that I use for all other negative emotions when it comes to the law of attraction. Embrace it. Bring it up, get it all out there and be honest with yourself about exactly how you feel. Let it come up. Cry, puke, punch a pillow. Just let it come up. Then release it. My fave is EFT and energy clearing or forgiveness as I can do them on my own. Use whatever method you can think of, or make an appointment with a coach or healer, but once you have brought it up, it is important to fully and completely let it go.
Maybe journaling is your thing? Just getting your worries out there and then forgiving yourself can sometime be enough.
It is so very important than when we have a worry we bring it to surface and deal with it. Once that worry is deal with, you will feel lighter and begin attracting things you want again, and since your vibration is in a new, higher place you may also be able to see a solution that you previously could not because your worry was blocking you.
Not dealing with worries and pushing them down will result in lower energy as it takes energy to worry, and having more energy to move you forward and enjoy your life is like a really, really good thing.
Happy releasing and feel free to contact me if you ever need guidance on letting go.