First let me paint a picture about what happens when we feel a certain way about someone.
Have you ever had someone instantly judge you and treat you poorly? If you are in the minority of people this may have rolled off your back and you continued your day. If you are in the vast majority, chances are it stuck with you. Maybe subconsciously, maybe consciously. Maybe it is something your think about often and it makes you feel less than your awesome self.
When you continue to feel less than your awesome self guess what happens? You start to prove it right. Little by little, you do things, you may sabotage yourself, or you may be stuck in that vibration of negatively and defense and feel trapped in that imaginary box.
Now, have you ever had someone instantly love you? Instantly think that you shine beautifully, even when you may not have noticed it yourself? Have you ever had someone focus on the absolute best parts of you? It feels good! Even if you don’t have the best confidence and it feel slightly awkward at first, deep down it is lifting you up. You begin to be open to new opportunities, you begin to see yourself in a different light, where many things could be possible, and you want to give some of that positive energy back to the person who saw the best in you.
Let’s flip this around.
Have you ever judged someone or saw only the worst in them? When this happened how do you feel? It may feed your ego for a while, but in the long run this is lowering your vibration and likely theirs as well.
Again, have you ever instantly loved someone, only had eyes for their best parts, and knew they could accomplish great things, were grateful to have them in your life? Do you know how much that raised your vibration and theirs?
How to apply this to relationships. (side note, if a person is truly toxic to you, there is no shame in cutting them out of your life and then considering what lessons they had to teach you)
With a Co-Worker: Say you have a co-worker, with whom you don’t have a great relationship. What’s a girl to do? You know you have no control over them at all, you also know you have no desire to become their friend. You actually waste quite a bit of energy complaining to yourself or others about her. This lowers your vibe. Uncool.
How to flip it: First and foremost if you need to forgive her, do just that. Forgive her. Use Ho’oponopono every time you think of her. That right there will help to shift your vibration. After that, start to look for the best in her. If there is one tiny thing you can find – focus in on that – hardcore. Everytime you see her focus on that. When you want to be defensive with her. Focus on that. The more you continue to search for the best feelings about someone the more they will show you their best parts. Yes, miracles do happen.
You can apply this tactic to any relationship you have: Love your husband, but there are a few things about him that drive you crazy? Focus on the best, forgive the rest. Stay strong. You are committed to raising your vibration and this means often we have to let our ego go. Have a family member that you always judge? Focus on the best, forgive the rest. Again, releasing the need to be right, telling the ego where to go. Letting them be responsible for their own life as you are for yours. This is hugely empowering and vibe raising.
From this place, relationships get easier. When you communicate with them, coming from a place of compassion and gratitude you will have more productive conversations, and they are more likely to reciprocate.
Remember, this is an ongoing process. Do not expect to be able to accomplish it all of the time with everyone, just do your best and know that the Universe loves to reward those that make an effort to raise their vibration!