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When you are on your spiritual journey and you’re really starting to ‘get it’ it can seem crazy that not everyone is into this stuff!
Especially when you are with someone a large portion of your time, or you highly value their opinion this can be an interesting thing to navigate. On top of that as you become aware of the law of attraction and other universal laws you may become concerned that someone’s negative outlook or similar will have a limiting effect on your life. Today I am sharing my best tips to deal when you are spiritual AF but your significant other is just not havin it.
Detach. Detach. Detach. OMG. You do not need to care about this. Stop giving it your attention. You are responsible ONLY for yourself (and your minor children if you’ve got ’em). You are not responsible for their growth, their awareness, their happiness. None of it. They are responsible. It is that simple. Do what you need to to remind you of this fact. You are on your path and I am on mine. Just because we spend time together does not mean our paths need to look the same. In fact it is a blessing that they don’t.
Spiritual AF are you? Perfect. Time to learn but your skills into practice. Oh yes the Universe will give you ample opportunity to grow and expand, so expect your ‘triggers’ to be highlighted.
Non Judgement: This is pretty self-explanatory. If you find yourself judging others for their beliefs, interest etc a perfect opportunity to ask why and release that judgment.
Acceptance: Feeling like they do not accept you for what you’re into? Flip it around and look at yourself in the mirror. How are you not accepting yourself? What aspects of yourself do you have yet to accept fully and unconditionally?
Compassion and Integrity: Treating them with compassion (as often as possible – we are human here!) and integrity. Know they are going through their own growth in their own time. This may mean that they hit the spiritual path later as they get older or it may mean it’s just not a part of this life for them. Either way, it’s their path not yours and the best way to be in harmony with them is to be an example of integrity. Stand in your truth, which does not require you ‘to be right’ only that you show compassion and do what you feel is right in every fiber of your being.
Blame and Shame: If they bring up these emotions in you, side note: if we’re talking an abusive situation here please start to question the relationship and get out if it’s highest and best. If they trigger you to feel blame or shame around your spiritual practice, again look within. Where does blame and shame need to be healed in your energy. I’ve noticed this, particularly with husband-wife relationships. Sometimes as we open up spiritually we are also doing some very deep healing work around the Divine Feminine and Masculine. There is a lot of blame and shame energy here to be healed – as you can tell from opening up social media or turning on the TV. Use it as an opportunity to forgive and move forward.
Use this as a time to expand your carefully selected circle of supporters and friends. Go with people who freely accept you and who you can carry on about all things spiritual too. Expecting your sig. other to be your sounding board for your spiritual journey is often not realistic and creates more conflict and misunderstanding.
Do not forget your humility. We are all equal no matter. You are not better than anyone because you are on a spiritual path, it’s like saying I’m better than you because I chose the path on the left while you chose the one on the right. They all lead to the same place and start at the same place. They are all at an equal level. There will be times when you are not on the same page. Maybe you received an energy healing and had and epsom salt bath and they had a stressful day at work. When you come together it may be tricky to communicate, again this is where your spirituality comes into play. You are tuned in and sense the resistance they bring. Allow acceptance and compassion to flow over you and even being in the same room as you hold this vibration with no words spoken will help to soften their energy. Your energy is the example and the conduit for you to expand the energy of love.
Chances are your sig. other has a bit of fear of the unknown and is dealing with subconscious programing from oh say the last 5000 years where most humans were taught that this ‘spiritual stuff’ was not safe, evil, mysterious or un-natural. Be grateful for your consciousness, but have perspective here. We are going through an evolution, and everyone comes to their understanding at their own time, in this life or the next.