Spots are filling up for Rise of the Initiate, so if you are resonating with this message get all the details and submit your application here.
TRACY GAUDET SOUL ALCHEMIST · Non – Negotiable Right Now- Prioritizing Yourself And The Quality Of Your Self Care
I’ve been talking about retreat mode recently and want to start this off with clarity. The self care I am talking about is everyday self care. I do believe that many of us require deeper retreats to commit days at a time to our self nourishment but today I want to look at spiritual self care in the modern world.
We live in this crazy time where we are witnessing the transition from 3D purely physical, dense reality to 5D, more connected multidimensionally and self aware, more connection to potential, unity consciousness and peace.
We are the bride right now. We jump back and forth from 3D to 5D all the time and one of the energies we are now bringing forth is that if you are involved in this work of ascension in any way – if this is your chosen path – then self care is non-negotiable. Quality self care is non-negotiable, and you must be your own #1 priority.
You can be spending time every single day doing activities you qualify as ‘self care’ but never actually getting the benefit of the activities! This has been a theme for me for many years and I’m still unwinding my desire to be ‘always productive’. This pattern ebbs and flows, but when I’m in the middle of a quantum leap, a ‘upgrade’, moving more into my genius – that is when this ‘always gotta be productive’ comes back into the picture. Sometimes I catch it, and other times this goes on a few days or weeks before I realize that the quality of my self care needs my focus.
Years ago I reframed self care into another productive activity. The more self care I do, the more productive I will be. This was the opening gateway for me to start to take some of the time I needed to stay balanced, so a great first step. Yet when I approach self care with this agenda I found I spent most of the time ‘trying’ to self care and still in the energy of struggle, pressure and unease.
So how do you get the most out of your self care while also stepping fully into the energy of peace, nourishment and recharging?
KNOW YOURSELF. PRIORITIZE YOURSELF. It’s time to get firm with boundaries right now with this past new moon we are setting ourselves up for what the rest of 2020 will look and feel like for us. For many out there getting your self care boundaries, standards and priorities set is key right now.
The more you know yourself, the more aligned and clear you will be about the type and frequency of self care you need.
Just like there is no one diet or meal plan that will be optimal for everyone, there is no self care that is better than any other, it’s about knowing what works for you. Your personal mastery journey is so unique to you, that you are the highest authority on the subject. When you tune into your self mastery and claim your role in this ascension process, your self care WILL come up for review if it hasn’t already!
Here are some examples on choosing self care that is going to be most nourishing to you, based on the 1st 4 layers of the auric field.
Physical Self Care: If you are processing ascension symptoms, feeling physically exhausted or drained or overly (frantic/ chaotic) energy. Physical Self Care Ideas: Grounding is my #1 here. Connection in nature along with mindfully connecting to the Earth and feeling the connection. Grounding meditations and crystals help here, but choosing and focusing on Earth energy is the key. Yoga or movement of your choice. Sometimes there is literally stagnant energy that needs to be moved out with dynamic action. Often when we process an emotional, mental or spiritual resistance our physical bodies need to also release. We might feel called to drink more water, get moving, rest or sleep more, change our diet, change our sexual habits, etc. Our bodies will always let us know what we most need but we must ask, listen and take action.
Mental Self Care: If you find those thoughts and beliefs just won’t leave you alone and you know they are not for your highest good. This is a beautiful stop on the path of personal mastery. When you are mindful of your thoughts and even more on your beliefs programs you have the choice to keep them or change them! Mental Self Care Ideas: Journal and mindfulness meditation. Journal is my #1 go to for both emotional and mental self care. Getting clarity is for me personally an act of self care. I have a big soul purpose connection to information, clear communication and awareness so this is a natural zone for me, again because of my self knowing I understand that free journaling might not be what I feel like doing but almost always exactly what I need. Mindfulness meditation is my 2nd suggestion here. Quieting the mind. Practicing with this. My go to is some brainwave music and focus on my breath to release all thoughts and give my mind some time off. I also recommend dropping your focus down into your heart. When our focus is in our head (mental energy) then sometimes it can be tricky to stop the process. If you first drop your focus and attention into your heart and stay there for a few minutes it can be much easier to understand and choose differently with your mental energy.
Emotional Self Care: When you find that emotions are all over the place and or you find yourself sucked into heavy emotions. Your mental energy is so tied in here as emotions are the magnetic, chemical verison of our electrical thoughts. If you have no idea why emotions are coming up that is a great place to start, as awareness alone can help to calm heavy emotions. My go to tool for emotions is first to feel it. Let myself accept that I am feeling it. Let myself release judgement that I am feeling it. Creating a safe space for yourself to process and heal. Sometimes during ascension we experience emotions as energies are released from our system and all they ask is that we sit with them and honor the process. Othertimes we have big emotions that are no longer serving you and ready to dissolve. When this is the case some simple EFT tapping or Ho’oponopono helps your emotions to move through you with you becoming them.
Spiritual Self Care: When you have been spending so much time in the 3D ‘reality’ of it all. When you have been in go-go-go mode. When you forget how majestic and powerful you are. When you feel the sting of separation. This is when spiritual self care comes to the forefront. The very first thing I do when I notice this is reconnect. Reconnect to Source/ God/ Creator/ Universe in any way that draws you. Personally this one will either take me back out in nature to recalibrate to the rhythms of the Earth, or within. When I go within for spiritual self care I connect through my heart chakra, open and connect through the crown and root and allow the energy of connection to flow through me. From here my intuition will guide me to what is most needed. It might be an energy healing, a belief system that is creating resistance, a message from my guides or any other piece of information that will allow me to fully tap in spiritually.
These categories are all tied together so nothing is ever really separate but this gives your logical brain something to work with and create a structure around. From here it’s all about your self knowing and prioritizing yourself.
In my Rise of the Initiate Mentorship Journey self knowing is the first thing we dive into. With Self knowing as the priority your entire personal mastery/ ascension process will feel so much easier as you will have clarity on exactly who you are, why you are here, what you need and why you need it.
Spots are filling up for Rise of the Initiate, so if you are resonating with this message get all the details and submit your application here.