Things are speeding up for us again. Those of us who have been asking for a change, a shift and to move more into our purpose and great alignment are getting what we asked for, yet it may not look like what we expected.
Often when we are asking for a change in life we expect to see the good and the opportunity swing in first but first we need to adjust our vision.
Picture this (sped up time to show flow):
You ask for a new timeline, more money, more joy, more fulfillment. You send your desire out. You feel empowered.
You wake up the next day and feel shitty. Feel lower. Feel like things aren’t moving. Feel triggered. Feel like things you’ve already dealt with are coming up again. STOP. You have 2 choices here. CHOICE 1: Become confused and frustrated and loop around in his ‘in between timeline’ where you aren’t quite where you were but not where you want to be either. CHOICE 2: Recognize this as the step over to the new timeline and the invitation to shift your perception and story, do the work, make the change and embrace the new timeline before it manifests into reality with your healing and focused intention.
Where many of us are at right now is this inbetween timeline. We know things are shifting for us, we can feel the more advanced light codes and possibilities calling to us and pulling us but feel like something is off. If this is you and you truly are ready for a higher potential timeline then choose option #2, do the inner work to match your perception so that you can step fully into your higher potential timeline. You’ve got this within you now!
All this pressure that is swirling about, I’m thinking this is something like what apparating in Harry Potter feels like. Like you are being sucked by the naval into a new place and it can be tricky to find your ground at first. The more you practice this jumping timelines the more you will recognize the familiar sensation of the pull of the new, while the old still stretches and hangs on until you choose to release it.
What EXACTLY can you do if you are feeling like you’re in-between?
#1 Recognize that you are on the path to a higher timeline, a more fulfilling and expansive reality. This means that things in your current reality will be shifting. Old has to cut away to accept the new. Relationships that are not matching the new timeline will be chaotic, some will need to be cut away. Habits that do not support the new timeline will bounce up in your face as resistance to change, be aware of this and consciously choose what feels best for you on a heart/soul level. Your awareness is expanding as is your sensitivity, don’t push down your emotions or ignore what you feel called to do – these insights and pulls are guiding you to your timeline and all the pieces that need to fall into place to get there.
#2 get clear on your old and new story. Because a new timeline requires a new perception of your reality you will need to match your mindset to this or there will be a disconnect. What are you feeling right now in terms of resistance? Where are you ready to shift your story? Write out what your current story is (false reality, beliefs), allow yourself to heal those through release, cutting attachment and as much as you can disconnect. Replace it with your new empowering story, what you actually know to be true on a Soul level and what you are ready to see in your reality.
I like to do this in a journal by creating column A (on the inside of the page) and column B on the outside of the page (designed this way so I can rip off the outside of the page and burn it for even more momentum). Start by only filling out column B, what is your limiting story you’re ready to let go of. Focus on 1 area only because for this exercise going deep is more important than going wide. Write out and number the beliefs you have that you are ready to let go of. Do your thing to release these beliefs working with whatever modality and system you know right now, use EFT tapping if you don’t already have a go-to modality (I use 8D SHIFT™). Once you have released, and don’t rush this process, you may not want to invest and hour or a few hours in this but isn’t that more appealing than staying in the in-between for days, weeks and months? As I completed this exercise for myself it was more about consistency, and one day when I woke up right in the middle feeling depressed and off I spent 2 hours releasing these and had to follow up with a short nap to integrate the healing. Once you feel like you’ve released all you can for the day begin filling out column A, what is your new empowering program? For each number you wrote down on column B, write the number in column A then the new belief, perception in your old timeline.
For example if, in column B you wrote { 1) I can’t hit my income goals 2) I’m frustrated my business is not fulfilling } after releasing you would write out [ 1) I always hit my income goals and it feels amazing, my self-worth and value comes from within and I allow myself to radiate my worth, in return my reality reflects this with increasing and consistent income 2) I’m getting more and more clarity on my business every single day, I am moving consistently in the direction of more fulfillment and I am in awe of how everything is coming together for me now ]
After you’ve written out your new beliefs/ perception re-read and FEEL them. Then tune into your inspired action steps, what is important for you to focus on now? Only when you are in this high vibe, new timeline state is it best to ask this question. You will be connected to the new timeline so the solutions and answers you get come from here as well. When you are asking what you should do or focus on from the place of the old timeline you will get answers that keep you aligned to the previous timeline.
I hope this all makes sense and that you can feel the potential that this energy gateway is providing to us – it is truly filled with opportunity and power to shift EVERYTHING.
If you want to have a little fun with it, add in some ritual and a taste of 8D SHIFT™, you can still get access to my 11:11:11 Gateway healing, activation and ritual recording for $11.11 here. This gateway is still wide open and ready for us to utilize. I’m not sure how much longer it will stay open but throughout November for sure!
Finally, if your higher timeline is calling you (and you’ve been asking) for more power, potential and purpose then you may be ready for Soul Map. Learn more about the exciting and powerful 12 week container of group and 1:1 mentorship here. We start on Monday November 19th.