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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly energy forecast first:
Week of February 18th, 2018:
We have the Archangels very close again this week with Sandalphon, Haniel, and Gabriel coming in with messages on what to expect this week and how to navigate the energy to move towards your highest potential and Soul happiness. This is also the week after our powerful New Moon Eclipse and welcoming in the year of the Earth Dog too! For many of you, this is the shift you’ve been waiting for!
Sandalphon and Haniel are working together on this, for those of you moving forward, listening to your intuition, but feeling like you’re not really getting anywhere hold tight things are in the works.
Keep your focus on your passion and what you are birthing and creating right now. Know this week that you deserve your victory and if you are feeling a twinge of self-defeat, self-doubt, unsure of your worthiness or deserving – take time to feel it and let it go. That is not yours to carry in the year of the dog. You’ve put your work in and now as you believe in yourself your passions can bring much into your life.
What you are feeling drawn to – maybe an outrage, a deep knowing, a compassion woke it up. You feel the call. To create, to speak up, to help out, to do something to create change in your life or the world. Ground that down this week. Feel it course through your body and every single cell.
Allow the feeling of your passion be greater than the feeling of your fears and doubts. Let it rise up out of you with the support of the angels this week. Especially Haniel if this part of the forecast really resonates with you.
There is another side note that comes along with t his from Gabriel, sometimes we can get so fired up about new-found clarity, direction and drive that we forget to nurture ourselves. Pay attention to the present moment and how you are feeling.
At the slightest feel of exhaustion, confusion, trying or pushing hard stop. Listen to your body and Soul. Ask how you can support it best right now. 2018 carries the lesson of balance for so many of us, and the outlook this week highlights that.
Feel the fire and create from that powerful chaos but stay present so you don’t overextend yourself our of excitement. Fun is still required. Rest is still required and your creations will be all the more potent because of the balance you created it with.
Archangel Gabriel has another message and I know it is one that I heard clearly this week as well. If you feel called to be of service to the next generation, let that spiral and expand. For some of you, this is a full-fledged project in the works or completion. For others, it is a trickle of light being awoken by that deep drive. Either way, allow it time to flow out of you and feel those emotions. You know who you are.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Focus on nurturing your self this week in terms of releasing self-doubt. Paying attention to your relationships/ communication in the present moment is an amazing teacher (totally brutal sometimes, but amazing.) Ask how am I showing up in this relationship? What aspect of myself is hiding? Why do I feel it’s not safe to show up that way? You may also want to look at relationships that ‘trigger’ you and ask what the person possesses that reminds you of a piece of yourself you have yet to accept or release.
Let your gratitude spiral this week. Let your perspective shift for the week and instead of focusing on lack and what is wrong – choose for just the week to allow gratitude to be your focus. Gratitude for yourself and your circumstance that you chose to help you shape yourself and get situated for growth towards your highest potential. Reach out to friends and anyone that resonates with this energy to allow it to expand and spiral further.
How much do you feel like you deserve? That is the big question this week and one to journal on for sure! Spend time here as much healing is scheduled to run through the moment you are open. Allow yourself to visualize being in a huge emerald. Feeling it vibrate forgiveness and self-acceptance through you as the angels take off old weight that you once felt you could never put down. Put it down this week and allow what you are worthy and deserving of to shine through from a higher perspective.
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