In my first post on chakras I explained a little bit what they are and where they are located. Today I’m going to take a closer look at the sacral chakra, some signs yours may be blocked and how we can care for it.
The sacral chakra is located right around your private bits and sexuality is a big part of this chakra’s function. It is right above your root chakra and the color associated with it (and in the image) is orange.
Besides ruling over your sexuality and sensuality this chakra plays a big role in your relationship to others as well as your creativity. Not to mention your relationship to many other things like food, alcohol, shopping and pretty much anything you can get addicted to. The sacral chakra wants you to experience pleasure and when things are not operating ideally this can come out as either addiction (too much) or depriving yourself of pleasure.
So after you have started work on your base chakra and have come to realize and feel safe and grounded in the world it is a great time to examine your 2nd or sacral chakra.
As I mentioned addictions can be an effect of a distorted sacral chakra, as can sexual issues (wanting too much or not wanting any) and really anything that is happening around that area of your body from your base to your navel. Think bladder issues, lower back problems, terrible periods and other lady-like issues.
Admittedly the sacral chakra is one that I resist working on personally. I yo-yo with my addictions (shopping, fries, Netflix and !gasp! cigarettes) and am in a good place at the moment. But I know as soon as I start to crave these things that something is off in my scaral chakra and it is time to give it some love. I still have a lot of work in this area and this is a case of ‘take your own advice Tracy!’, but here are my recommendations for beginning to heal a distorted sacral chakra:
- Get in water. Much as the earth and grounding is important to the base chakra’s health, water and fluid and flexible is important to the scaral chakra. If you can spend some time at a beach or even in a relaxing bath it is very beneficial.
- Find a creative outlet. Your emotions long to be expressed and this is the chakra that gives energy to your creativity. Find a way to express yourself creatively, cooking, writing, art or gardening, for example are great ways to balance this chakra and most of these activities will also greatly benefit some of your other chakras as well.
- Enjoy the simple pleasures. Lay in bed and extra 30 minutes on the weekend and really enjoy how comfortable and relaxing it is, sit down with a healthy meal and savor it. Total opposite of running out of the house and stuffing fries into your throat. Take time and feel the pleasure of things that are good for you.
- Get naked and get in touch with your sexuality. Make sure it is 100% guilt free. Guilt is a sure constrictor of this chakra.