To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel like called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating what areas of our life we need to look at/ work on this week. With a pile of planets in retrograde the tricky energy continues and when we are aware of this we can choose to make the best of it. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
Charka Wisdom Oracle Cards by Tori Hartman
Card 1 Impartiality
You big focus for the week is to step back listen and observe. When you completely remove yourself from the situation can you see it with a different perspective? Can you be neutral? Take a step into the point of view of the other side, how does it change your opinion? This week it is important that you allow things to unfold and be open minded about the outcome. Sometimes it is best to hold back advice and give them a chance to learn on their own. Consider looking into the practice of mindfulness if you feel called to.
Card 2 Grief
It is time this week to honor your pain. Express it in a way that feels right for you. When we express, we can begin to release and accept the calm that comes after the storm. Ask yourself this week: Is there something that I am holding onto so strongly that it is actually holding me back? Start the healing process this week, because it is your time for a new love (person, hobby or yourself) to be allowed in. Consider a meditation where you are surrounded by cleansing white light, ask the person you miss to visit you, let them know how you feel and let them respond. Thank them and continue your week knowing they are surrounding you in white healing light.
Card 3 Prayer
Letting go of control can be totally refreshing. Letting go of expectation can allow even better things to come your way. The Universe (God, Angels, Guides) has your highest good planned and sometimes all we need to do in order to receive these miracles is to release control. If you feel like you are currently or have been sidetracked from your purpose, know that it is ok, release control and the Universe will guide you back to where you want to be. You are very likely searching for clarity right now, stop trying so hard and just keep an eye out for the signs the Universe delivers to you. This week: Set your intention by prayer, journaling or just asking for what you want. Then hang back and see what you get, take action only if you feel super inspired to do so.
Want More?
Grab one of my 7 card life purpose spreads and get a set of solid actions and advice to move you closer to where you want to be. Ask a question or just hang back and see what the Universe delivers up to you. You get a PDF of the spread and my (sometimes long-winded) explanations of each card. Plus as a bonus I include even more nuggets of wisdom about how to use the law of attraction to move forward and how to care for your chakras that need healing, as it relates to the cards that have come up for you.
If you’re interested just click the image, pay by PayPal and you’ll be re-directed to let me know your question. From there I’ll email you to let you know when your spread will be ready (within the week.)
These spreads are so much fun, and implementing the results can bring about real transformation and clarity in your life!