To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating what areas of our life we need to look at/ work on this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards by Tori Hartman
Card 1 Service
This card is straight up telling you that if you really, really, really want something you have to release your need for it. Sometimes we can get caught up (with the help of our ego) into thinking we deserve this or we deserve that. The truth is that we are already worthy and deserving of everything we want, but that cannot be our only focus. This one can be applied really well to business. Sometimes concentrating only on getting the money, getting the clients can take over your thoughts. This is a reminder that when you act out of service and concentrate on helping those you are drawn to, that is when the money and clients will start. This card challenges you to adjust your perspective and see your situation and consider how you can make the best of it, then get inspired by yourself to continue making the best.
Card 2 Perseverance
Oh, this is a good one. I think you may be at a place where you are working towards something, but are considering going another way or giving up. The perseverance card is here to say that if you feel truly inspired, do NOT give up. The miracle is just around the corner, and it urges you to be patient. All things happen in Divine right time, but it’s hard to see around corners, right? Consider letting go of fear. Do you still want to change your path? Without fear you may realize that is of the utmost important that you stay on your path.
Card 3 Quest
We all get wrapped up in the future at some time or another. I’ll be happier when I… I’ll start meditating when I… I’ll be at peace when I…. The quest card is here to tell you that you are already there. Your life is happening RIGHT NOW. Instead of looking for your path, start exploring the one that you are already on. It’s time to take a look inside and see what it is you really want. For example: you don’t want that new car, you want the feeling it gives you, maybe security? Look inside to see how you can create the sense of security within. Your world on the outside will always match what you’re feeling on the inside. Commit to the path you are on, it is totally ok to take a risk right now, if it is for your highest good.
Want More?
Grab one of my 7 card life purpose spreads and get a set of solid actions and advice to move you closer to where you want to be. Ask a question or just hang back and see what the Universe delivers up to you. You get a PDF of the spread and my explanations of each card. Plus as a bonus I include even more nuggets of wisdom about how to use the law of attraction to move forward and how to care for your chakras that need healing, as it relates to the cards that have come up for you.
If you’re interested just click the image, pay by PayPal and you’ll be re-directed to let me know your question. From there I’ll email you to let you know when your spread will be ready (within the week.)
These spreads are so much fun, and implementing the results can bring about real transformation and clarity in your life!