To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating what we need to embody the make the most of the week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card. (The cards are just awesome this week, BTW)
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Card 1 Freyja
There is no messing around with Freyja. If she wants something she does what it takes to get there. Previous experience may have taught you to play it safe, but this card is an indication that the energy is right for you to be bold. If there is something that you truly desire, be open to receiving it in ANY way. That means you may have to put yourself out there. That means you may have to stop hiding. This can be applied to any area you feel a little stuck, the 2 that come to mind right away are relationships (sex especially) and business/ career. Go for it and call in Freyja’s confidence to help you move forward!
Card 2 Ostara
Ostara has come up often in the last few months. She wants you to get moving on your projects, just take a step. Do whatever you can today to move you, if even slightly, in the direction of your dreams. She is planting that seed of ‘what if’ in your head and from there it is up to you to grow and nurture it by believing in yourself and being open to the miracle that happens after you plant and tend a seed. If you find it hard to get to that place of nurturing yourself, she always recommends surrounding yourself with beauty and gratitude and just bask in that for a while. The inspiration will come. The more energized, grateful and inspired you are the faster your dreams will come to fruition.
Card 3 Athena
Athena is my girl, not just because she hangs out with owls but because she represents deep inner wisdom. We are so bombarded by ‘doing’ and listening to others advice and opinions that we need the reminder that everything we need is within us. This is huge. Once we start daily to trust and listen to our own inner wisdom, miracles begin to happen and she is calling you out to start this practice TODAY. I could give all the advice in the world, but when I coach a client to come to their own conclusion THAT is when things start to shift very rapidly. There is so much power in your inner wisdom. No more procrastinating. Stop today, find 10 minutes, release your worries as you calm your breath and ask what your next step is. Thank Athena or the powers that you believe in for their guidance. Then be open for the answers. You will get a sign or an inspiration that will send you in the right direction. Then your job is to follow it and repeat the process.