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To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. This week we are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud
Everything you are touching this week is becoming more. Feeling excited and optimistic – that will only continue to bring more this week. Feel low on yourself, that will also magnify. If you have been low on yourself, it is time to flip that as your manifesting powers are STRONG. Himself is reminding you that everything around you this week is magnified. If you are working towards confidence and courage, using this to magnify your message and lead will be very beneficial to you. You may also be using your own power to help protect others and in this case keep it up, the healing that is occurring is transformational. If you feel a creative push to do or be something, this is the week to go there. Your heart to head connection is strong and that makes magic!
I love this guy. Communication is key for you this week. Try really listening this week. This may be listening to others with the intent to understand or it may be quieting your thoughts and listening to yourself and the Divine and Faerie guidance that is trying to get through to you. When it is your turn to speak ask if what you are about to say is coming from a place of love and will further you on your path or if it is coming from a place of ego to divert your attention? Be so observant this week that you even sense non-verbal communication, what is not being said, what is that body language telling you? Either way if you can get on top of your communication game this week you are moving faster towards your ideal of success.
Have you been losing your hope? Maybe dreams are not there yet? Maybe you’ve even lost your keys? Look for the message in this. Ilbe often will hide things from us, when we feel that we are not ready for them yet, but he is keeping them safe until we come around. If this is the case with you it may be time to start to revisit the things that used to light you up, and Ilbe is putting things in your reality that will remind you of what you once visioned for yourself. This is your first hint, as as faeries do it’s a bit of a game. Stay present over the next few days and when something tickles your fancy pay close attention. Even if it is not obvious how to get to your once dream or hope, or keys for that matter, your job now is to keep an open heart and mind and just see what comes up.