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To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. This week we are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
What a beautiful card to chose on the Chinese New Year! When you put the work in, and remain mindful of your patterns, you are also provided with the wisdom you need to break out of these patterns and chose a new path. Being mindful and knowing yourself (connecting with your intuition) allows you to KNOW who the right people are to develop relationships are, it allows you to recognize the path that will be highest and best for you. At this point, my dear, you can not make a mistake. Continue to follow your inner wisdom and you will get there, your lessons are being learned at rapid pace and propelling you forward. Knowing this is the year of the fire monkey and all the beautiful symbology in this cards also suggests that you will be quick on your feet to find a solution this week – go with your intuition and act without delay.
Another very auspicious card to get today. Imagine all of your experience, every piece of the story is one beautiful, flowing stream. No part of your life is separate, it is all interconnected and one experience leads to another. Our streams infinitely overlap and interconnect with all others, and in addition to that our collective streams connect directly to the divine as well. At any time you can dip into this stream, that is within yourself, for inspiration, insight and just allow it to carry you forward. It doesn’t have to be hard, allow the stream to guide you and know that when you succeed, everyone succeeds.
Upon first glance this card appears to be news not nearly as awesome as the other two, but look closer to see that healing is just a part of the whole process. In order to make way for the new and absolutely wondrous energy that awaits we have to let go. Maybe it’s a relationship or a dream or a change in life. It may even be a release of a long held grudge. Whatever comes to you is what needs to go. As soon as you make the choice to do this, the energy will start to shift. It is for your highest good and once you let go, new dreams and opportunities will begin flowing to you. Express any emotions that come up in a safe way, as they are all part of the healing process. Tears are a good sign, and they clean the way for the renewed energy to come through. All this healing time to happen for you and know it will pass.