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To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. This week we are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
Are you going after an illusion? It’s never fun, but it is time to look at what you are going after and ask if there is something not quite right about it? Begin to detach from your situation and allow yourself to be open to options. If you feel like you have been going, and going and going and are still coming up dry even though you can see the mirage in the distance – it is time to review what needs to change to get you to where you REALLY want to be. If this feels overly negative to you, don’t worry, the Universe always has something even better in store for you.
Shit gets real for you this week. If you don’t feel totally comfortable where you are at, in your home or in your body you need to ask yourself why. What is stopping you from fully being yourself and being not only ok with that, but fully excited and thrilled to be that? What would you feel like if you chose a different path? Know this week especially that we create our own homes within ourselves, and until you begin the path to peace with yourself no where will feel like a true home. It is time to let go of those ego voices and bullies in your head, it is time to let go of your past. You only have good things that wait for you, but the effort is required to find that brightness within.
Do you have a tendency to attract drama? Even little bits? The odd argument, the odd making a mountain out of a mole hill? If so, then your biggest asset this week will be resisting to do just that. Little things can turn into big storms, so be cautious with how you act and speak, that your words express how you really feel. If you are overcome with anger, fear or ego that is not the real you. Once you are calm and the energy has also calmed it is the best time to express yourself and move forward on your goals. This week before you leap make sure you are doing so from a good feeling place.