Hey, super awesome that you are looking into this! I have been drawn to the Akashic Records since the second I heard the name – and years later I am now pleased to say that I love working in them so much!
So What Are They?
As you’ll find with most things that are not located in our reality of the 3rd dimension Earth it can be tricky to get it into words and form a consensus. In a nutshell the Akashic Records are a place where your Soul’s history is recorded. Where every thing that has happened to your Soul or will likely happen, based on current energy (keep in mind due to free will this can change) is stored. It is not located in the 3rd dimension as we perceive reality – but instead is on a different plane, somewhere in the 6th dimension. What this looks like for us is that it can only be accessed through energetic/ psychic connection and not a place you can walk up to and visit.
I like to think of it as a HUGE book with EVERYTHING in it. From your relationship contracts that you decided on before this life, to what the best strategy is to reach your goals. It is an amazing source of knowledge and insight that can help your life in all kinds of ways. Not only is every event recorded, but every emotion, thought – like Everything.
How I Work With Them
I have taken multiple training on accessing the records and most recently a very comprehensive training program. So the first time I hoped in, although I was highly intuitive I did not get the crystal clear intel that I get now. How I work with them is simple, I ask a question, they answer and I relay to you. They can answer your questions, give you guidance, explain why things are happening and even adjust your energy so you can break out of patterns in your life that are no longer serving you. Some downright magical shit!
Want a Reading?
If this is intriguing to you and you’d like a taste of what is in your records you can sign up for my Summer special of $47 for a 45 minute reading. You can come in with questions that you have, a goal you want to achieve or just come in open to guidance. These sessions are fun and enlightening and no 2 are ever alike. This is a crazy good deal, as the regular rate is $197 for 45 minutes, but when the limited spaces are filled up, they will go back to the regular price. If you are interested you can book in below to secure your space and your discounted price.