You will likely hear me talk about EFT (A.K.A tapping) and wonder what is she talking about?
EFT is a modality of energy work that I use to help clear negative emotions. It is my favorite, because with a little coaching and training anyone can utilize EFT and it’s amazing benefits.
It’s a great way to introduce yourself to your energy body and is physical and solid enough that most people can wrap their heads around it.
Ok, so basically what you are doing is tapping on meridian points around your body (while concentrating on or speaking out loud about your issue) to rid yourself of a toxic, negative or limiting belief or emotion and then you can choose to replace it with a positive one.
For example I have used EFT to rid myself of many simple beliefs that were keeping me from an amazing life and I’ve got lots more to clear. A few of the beliefs that I have cleared:
- I don’t have time for myself (replaced with I always have time to do what is important and fun for me)
- I don’t deserve to take care of myself (replaced with self care is a huge priority and I care for myself daily)
- You have to work hard to make money (replaced with money comes easily and is fun to make)
Plus I clear many things right on the spot for myself. For example if I’m nervous before a meeting (not too often anymore!) I will tap my nerves away. If I am getting really cranky with my kids, all it takes is 5 minutes tapping in the bathroom to take me back down to ‘nice mommy’.
I once had a head cold wiped clean away in about 10 minutes by tapping with an advanced practitioner. Turns out the cold was linked to the guilt I was feeling. Once the guilt was gone, I felt 100%.
So as you can see I am pretty hardcore. I tap daily my kids tap with me to deal with fears and bad moods. I will tap anything anytime! Now EFT does not work for everyone (no modality does) but you can increase you chances of EFT working by working with a practitioner. Sometimes the body doesn’t feel safe to open up when we are tapping alone and working with someone who is trained can dramatically increases your chances of success with EFT.
So how exactly does it work?
When you are tapping on the points in your body they are actually acupressure points so you are changing up your brain activity. This could mean deactivating the belief that you need to eat to feel comfort and activating the belief that you enjoy eating foods that are healthy for your body. You are actually both changing your brain on an electromagnetic and electrochemical level. VERY COOL. So it is like a cross of woo-woo energy work (because yes it looks a little crazy) and ancient acupressure/acupuncture as well as new technology that shows the changes in your brain.
For more info on how EFT works, check out this interview on the science of EFT