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In today’s special episode, I go over some magical ceremonies that are ideal to complete at the Full Moon.
Working with the moons cycles is a grounding and spiritually expansive practice that connects you back to your cyclical nature, to your natural rhythm.
The moon has a very close relationship t the water and to tides and so to us with so much of our body being made up of water.
It’s no surprise that emotions run high with the Full Moon, but as we become self-aware we understand that it is in fact illuminating what we have pushed down inside, what we are ready to release and what gifts we are ready to bring forth.
The Full Moon is an amazing time to connect to your intuition, get psychic insight and make habitual changes to propel your life forward.
Today I will be sharing with you some of my favorite aspects for working with the Full Moon so you can craft a ritual that feeds your soul and creates happiness alchemy.
The reason I break these rituals down into aspects has to do with the first aspect; intuition.
Keeping your intuition involved in Full Moon rituals is like a no-brainer. There is no better time of the months to develop and tune into your intuition. It’s like your antenna are turned on to high. If you are a beginner to intermediate with intuition I recommend using oracle cards, guided meditation and shamanic journeys. I’ve created a special, free guided journey that you can access here. You can also do some journal work where you write out questions you are looking for clarity on and free write to see what comes through.
The Full Moon is like a monthly spring cleaning. Complete these any time of month, but with the Full Moon this is even more potent. This works in a number of ways:
- Physical environment cleaning the space that you are in, decluttering, releasing old to make space for the new that you will call in. Closets are especially key here, as is your car, your purse, your wallet, desk. Even electronic decluttering such as your email inbox, files etc will bring in a breath of fresh air.
- Energetic environment, in the same way that we clean physically, the unseen subtle world is ready for a clean out at the Full Moon too, so using sage, diffusing essential oils, using sea salt in a lemon or in water, working with Archangels to clear the space, working with crystal, especially a selenite, clear quartz and moonstone grid is ideal this time of month. Also the ideal time to set your crystal out to clear and charge under the Full Moon.
- Your body physically. Your body is ready to be cleansed and cleared at the Full Moon too. Both physically and energetically. Epsom salt baths are fabulous if you can get in natural water/ the ocean even better. Such a grounding connection when you do this. If nothing else have a bath near the Full Moon and allow yourself to tune in and ask what you need to feel amazing.
- Your body energetically. Working with energy healing and releasing at the Full Moon is especially enlightening and empowering. You never know what will come up!! Use any energy healing modality or connect with friends who practice and treat each other. Guided meditations/ shamanic journeys can also do the trick here if you choose a high vibrational one (one of the reasons I offer this one for free). I have had some seriously intense energy clearings at the Full Moon, what is interesting is that depending on which sign the moon is in and a pile of other factors will determine which area comes up. I had a truly amazing experience in January with clearing and healing ancestral energy that allowed me to open up much deeper to accept my own gifts. Be open to what comes through instead of trying to control with a strict agenda.
- Emotionally. This one is not always the easiest but has so much pay off. Is there anyone you need to forgive right now? Is these anything that you are holding onto tightly that is causing more harm than good. Look into this space and see where you are feeling heaviness, the Full Moon will illuminate this for you and help you to let go, release and heal. Getting you back to your true self.
- With Fire. Yes, the Full Moon works beautifully with fire ceremony. For a super simple version write out a list of what no longer serves you that you are ready to release, burn the paper and thank your guides for helping you to release it. Take a few breathes here and ask that that help you continue to release it through your sleep time. Prepare to wake up a little sweaty as your body may detox.
Honor what you are feeling pulled to do. Everyone is unique as is every Full Moon. You may feel called to go out and connect with others. You may feel more like retreating and having some quiet time to yourself. Honor this and you’ll find you feel supported and balanced within. If you’ve had a tricky month, and perhaps have been pushing emotions down understand that now is the time they usually surface, so if you find yourself picking fights or being on edge, it’s simply your emotions getting your attention to slow down, listen and honor yourself.
This is also a perfect time of month to celebrate all that you have accomplished in the last 29 days. Have an appreciation for yourself and for those around you. Treat yourself to something decadent like dark chocolate or a facemask and enjoy your being.
For more specifics on working with the Full Moon in each sign, I recommend the book Moonology.
My go to ritual consists of a combination of these and I have been doing it my whole life to some degree. During darker, more exhausting periods I would skip this and always felt slightly off balance. These can be completed anytime around the Full Moon so about 3 days before and 3 days after is ideal. Find the time. Commit to yourself and reconnect to the amazing energy of the Full Moon.