To maintain a strong commitment and focus on your soul mission you must be anchored in your truth. You must persevere through the times that feel dark or challenging and continue choosing to rise up, believe in yourself and believe with certainty in your soul mission.
In this series I am exploring multiple ways you can maintain your perseverance and highest perspective on your soul mission to help inspire you and bring you into your truth.
Part II is all about adapting.
We live in a world of constant change, constant movement. Even when things appear still, on the smallest level there is always movement and vibration.
The same is true of your path, it isn’t always going to be straightforward or seamless transitions. There will be areas that feel like they are unpassable or that you don’t have what it takes to keep going on the path. For this visual my guides brought it through more like you’re walking through a tunnel – one that is made of glass and has ocean life swimming around and stone at your feet.
You can perceive and so experience this in a number of ways.
- The positive one. You plow through your path, you let nothing slow you down or stop you. You rain positivity down on everything you touch and you don’t let yourself get distracted by pain or challenging emotions. You go, go, go. You look up and see the beautiful water and have no interest in what is below your feet.
- The hesitant one. You notice the path is challenging and really don’t have any way to know if it will be safe or not. You are obsessively focused on the path you’re walking on and don’t really notice the beautiful glow above you, you only see the shadows at your feet. You take tiny steps, you mainly try to stay hidden and small on the path because it all feels like such a big risk. You notice the challenges on the path and take them as a personal attack and that something must be wrong with you and your actions if this is the way things have turned out.
- The wise one. You move on your path mindfully, you stay aware of what is going on around you and at your feet but your main focus is what is going on within you. When you come up to a challenge you allow yourself space to process and understand yourself deeper. You recognize that adapting on your path is part of your journey, and your discernment is a powerful tool. You recognize that there is nothing wrong with you when challenges arise, and that each person is on their own path and moving through their own lessons. You get really clear about what is under your control, what is your responsibility on this path and what is not. You gain power and momentum as you move forward but if you fall down you find you’re able to get back to empowerment and clarity quicker with each fall, you have the muscle memory for it now.
Ok so in each of these examples you are on the exact same path but your perception and so experience of them is different.
I know personally I have embodied each example.

I’ve been super positive, nothing will stand in my way or slow me down. This taught me the lesson of burnout, honoring your ebb and flow and the beauty in slowing down and sitting with your pain, challenges and triggers to learn about and empower yourself.
I’ve been the fearful one. The one who felt like she wasn’t quite safe to move forward, to be seen and heard because growth hasn’t been linear. The one who let the trauma of challenging situations and lessons diminish my perceived value and the value of the work I do in the world.
I have also been the wise one on the path. The one who keeps all the best parts of the positive path, of the momentum and forward movement and combines it with the self awareness of the hesitant path.
In this perspective of your ever-changing path you see everything shifting around you. You notice themes in the collective and in your communities and you keep coming back to your center. You let your intuition lead the way and trust and honor the journey that unfolds for you with curiosity and openness.
On this changing path you can easily get distracted from what is going on around you. What is going on in relationships, in life. You can take on the energy, heaviness and thought forms of others as a way to subconsciously show you care. With enough of this taking on and not enough release and rebalance you can get weighed down and discouraged from your mission, your passion and your joy.
So how do you start to rebalance and be the wise one on the path?
#1 Let go of the heaviness you carry, and how that heaviness and or relationship is impeding your path forward. Ask yourself what relationships or circumstances in my life do I feel are creating a barrier to empowered forward movement on my path? Explore these and uncover what is truth and what is old programming that you are ready to remove. Take action on your intuitive guidance.
#2 Expand your perspective. Our perspective is everything. Let yourself explore what is possible for you on this path, what you truly desire on this path? How do you perceive the path in general? Are you supported? Are you worthy? Are you fulfilled emotionally? Is the path welcoming or daunting? Why is that? Let your perspective of the path match that of your truth.
#3 Create for the joy of creation. The pressures that many of us feel around success, money, and creating an impact can stifle our true creative power and create a clog in the Divine energy that streams through us. In your imagination take all that pressure out of the picture. Give yourself a blank canvas to work with, a totally clean slate. What do you feel called to create? Again keep your perspective open here. You’re creating simply to get those channels flowing, it doesn’t have to be your best work or even anything that makes sense. Maybe you’re an energy healer and you feel like painting or cooking to let the creativity flow. It’s not about the result but the energetic structure that you are putting into place by opening up this channel, recognizing the value in it and experiencing the peace and joy of creation.
Remember the perception of your path creates the experience you have while you’re on it. The path will continue to change and evolve so it’s all up to you how you will adapt to these shifting conditions.