Hi! I'm Tracy Gaudet, a Practical Ascension Guide, Personal Mastery Shaman and Wayshower of Awakening.

 I work with powerful light workers/warriors and change makers through the ascension process, to help accelerate them into more of their Soul self and Soul level gifts.

I use my combined training and intuitive connection to work multidimensionally through guided journeys, energy healings and activations, coaching and more to help expand you into greater possibilities and the next level that is open and available to you now. I work with a combination of energy, mindset and practical action to create Soul Alignment and Expansion.

With all these high vibes I am also firmly grounded in this 3D reality as a wife and mother of 3. Balancing the high level spiritual with the daily grounded presence and action is my jam. 

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My ever expanding toolbox of spiritual technologies and Soul gifts evolves as I do. My natural gifts work in a grounded way with high frequencies. I guide clients shamanically, while also transmitting multidimensional frequencies. 

I've moved through multiple trainings and initiations both trained by my Divine team and other light workers. Some of the tools in my toolbox include:

Meditation and Mindfulness. These were the catalyst for my spiritual expansion. I've practiced and trained in multiple areas and come back to this tool frequently in my work and my own life. 

Akashic Reading and Healing including my own method of accessing and working in the records, the Ascension Alchemy method.

Shamanic Healing and Journeys, this comes so naturally I didn't even notice it for years! 

Chakra Healing, as was my first official training working with the energy field.

EFT tapping, after my official training in this modality in 2015, I again developed my own method combining EFT and shamanic healing to super power this modality. 

Timeline Healing, as usual this modality has grown and evolved and merged with my shamanic work and is now integrated for me to use whenever I feel called.

Sacred DNA Restructure Method® a very special modality that allows me to work deeply on the DNA level for some very magical and expansive results. 

Gene Keys. I feel in love with the Gene Keys and went all in when I discovered them and as soon as their Guide program was available I was all in. This modality of self knowing has been extremely valuable to explore your shadows, gifts and soul level gifts. Learn more about Gene Keys here. 

Energetic Allergy Healing. I had been aware of this modality for many years before my focus turned to physical healing and I completed the certification as well as the advanced course. This is another modality that integrated beautifully into my work. 

Channelled Energy Transmission. This is a modality I've worked with for years and have been recently getting more in tune with the immense power and impact it holds.  

Light Language. Pure magic and this modality holds so much power. I have some crazy stories about how light language has shifted things for me in the 3rd dimension. It's a very miraculous and fun tool to work with. 

Qi Gong Energy Healing. A beautiful modality that I was drawn to as I began my physical healing journey and that has created some healing results in my own life. 

As I say my tool box is ever expanding and I am in a constant state of learning, growth and teaching in all areas. It is my complete honour to work with these sacred tools and be of service. 

Learn more about working with me here.