Awakening, Reconnecting, Refreshing, Rejunevation, Understanding.
These are the theme energies coming through with this week’s Full Moon. We are as ever, encouraged to flow. Encouraged to release. To look within, to dive into the emotions that are happening within and release the heaviness to welcome in the quiet restorative energy of understanding.
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Understanding ourselves, our direction, our path. To do this we need to be still before we can fully flow. Consider yourself a pond this week. What does that pond look and feel like? Visualize walking through a circle of trees and coming upon this magical well lit space.
Are things murky and unclear? Are they shining and vibrant? Is there some cleaning that needs to happen? Are the waters unpredictable or peaceful? What do you want this pond to look like? Allow yourself to visualize going deep with to uncover your Full Moon pond. This space can be seen clearly with the light of the Full Moon and provides an amazing opportunity if you are willing to feel and be still for a little while. Put on some meditation music or get outside and allow yourself to be transported to the Full Moon pond. Allow yourself to draw the moon down to shine as brightly as you need. Bring it right into the pond to spot what doesn’t feel right and let it go.
Be aware of your perspective this week and mindset. It can be easy to get sucked into the drama of ‘what is’ What we feel we are lacking, missing. Focusing upon this only brings more of that energy into our lives, so yes it does take courage and focus to choose our focus and this is what we are called to do. If you feel angry by circumstance, somehow ripped off or in a victim mode where you feel powerless to create positive change in your life – this week you’re encouraged to move free of this heavy, dense energy. Let yourself go beneath the surface of what is ‘causing’ your suffering and get down to how it is really making you feel? What else does it remind you of? When was the first time you remember feeling that way? Often uncomfortable situations aka triggers will arrive in order for us to do the deeper healing and understanding work and grow. It may be painful to allow yourself to feel, but in that allowing you also open up for a deeper release. This part of the path is passing, but there is still some clean-up work to be accomplished and there is so much value in allowing the process to unfold.
As the healing progresses (use whatever modality of emotional healing you gravitate to from EFT, guided meditation, journal work, energy healing etc) we will then be called with our expanded clarity and our stance of empowerment instead of victimhood to make choices and changes in our lives that allow us to be aligned to who we are on a Soul level. So making choices based on what feels best for you. If you’re not sure I invite you to revisit that Full Moon pond and ask what a certain path feels like in the pond. See if it feels warm, sun shining and expansive or if it feels dark, murky and not right for you. YOU are the decision maker, you are the creator of your life. Stand strong as you choose your direction based on your highest good. Let your energy and emotion be the guide this week. As you release your victim energy and allow your power to expand your intuition will also be on high – making this a wonderful week to assess which path will be the most abundant, joyful and expansive for you.
If you find yourself after all that like “yes that’s all good and fine but it doesn’t apply to me because I have x,y,z going on or I’ve already tried a,b.c and it didn’t work for me so I should give up and stop listening to myself” then you’re caught up in the details and drama of ‘what is’ this is only your present perspective from where you are at. There is always a solution energy. Let go of ‘how’ things will work out, of trying to control others, or convince them of your perspective. Just trust yourself this week and fully engage with your intuition and things can get easier, more clear and much more fun!
Remeber also this week that it is encouraged to ask for help from the Divine. Call upon any angels, guides, masters, God, whatever you resonate with. Ask them to allow you to feel peace, confidence, abundant – whatever energy you are ready to step into. Ask them to bring it down into your body, then simply say thank you in your head or out loud and breathe for a few minutes as you feel the Divinely delivered vibration.
Your ideas and inspirations this week are spot on, Divinely guided and you are safe to trust your intuition. Gather up the courage to take action that you KNOW is in your best interest. You’ve got this.