It’s time to discipline your mind.
To dissolve repetitive thoughts about yourself and your life that are disempowering. The energy is calling for determination on your part. All the pieces of the puzzle are lining up but we need to take this step and practice it every single day.
It’s as though many of us have been wandering through the desert looking for our oasis, our miracle and our breakthrough. We *think* we are separate from it, that we have been taking missteps and are not seeing the green of our oasis yet. In fact what is happening is that we are isolating ourselves on a tiny island within the oasis. We create this tiny island with doubts and heavy self-talk that keeps us feeling stuck on the island no matter how many energy healings we do. It’s time for a dedicated mind.
When we get consistent with our dedicated mind we can very quickly shift our perspective and see that we are within our oasis and begin to enjoy it now, as we do so we find that we can glide off this isolation island and move towards the shore and the fruition of our desires.
Some of us have forgotten our direction (and that we have an inner compass) and may need to revisit what our values are, what is truly important to us.
Surrender and allow the energy of peace to come to you. Dedicate yourself to thinking peaceful, empowering and uplifting thoughts about yourself and your life. Know and trust you know what to do, you know what path to take. It is safe to trust yourself, it is safe to feel at peace even if you can’t see land yet.
Whatever you find yourself trying to figure out or understand, give it a rest. Hold yourself in the golden sunlight and know that as you allow yourself to feel good about who you and what you are capable of each additional step and path will be laid out for you by your own inner knowing. Then all you must do is follow it. But for this week work to discipline your mind.
Visualize your thoughts as pieces of food as they enter your awareness. Be the observer. If the thought feel to be food that has gone bad or will poison you put it down and keep walking. When a thought comes into your mind that feels delicious then savor it and gather more of that same thought to carry with you.
Keys to keep in mind this week:
Pay attention to what you are thinking and how you are feeling specifically about yourself. Let thoughts that feel heavy or rotten pass and choose thoughts that feel great to focus on.
When you come up to a repetitive thought that is disempowering use tools like EFT, journalling or shamanic journeying to clear the root of the issue but continue to keep your thoughts disciplined to step into your empowered self.
Choose to offer yourself peace first. Feel peace. When heavy emotions come up choose to let them go and allow peace instead.
Now is the time to forgive yourself. We need you to feel empowered and when you harbor resentment towards yourself that task becomes much harder. A hint that you may need to do this: you find it hard to forgive others or are often angry. This means it is also time to forgive yourself.
Honor yourself. Take care of yourself. Surround yourself in the knowledge that you are worthy, deserving and Divine right now. Choose to be on your own team.