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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of July 24, 2017:
The business energy theme of the week is awareness and new relationships. This week pay special attention to new people coming into your life and the lessons they have to teach. Many of us are stepping into a new, upgraded version of ourselves and those around us are very important at this time. Taking time to ask why you resonate with someone and how to make the most of the relationship, while also asking, of those that cause you to feel ‘resistance’ what it is about them that triggers you.
For example, if you meet a new biz bestie, ask yourself how you can collaborate or learn from each other. If you meet someone who pushes your buttons ask yourself why it bothered you, and what you feel needs to shift inside you for greater levels of self-acceptance.
The Universe is having a great time this week, using relationships to inspire personal growth, go with it because the Divine plan has all kinds of awesome lined up for you if you do!
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Love yourself! Gah! This one can be annoying to hear over and over again, yet it feels this week as though that is the focus. Staying small and not striving for greater levels of self-acceptance is like having someone tell you the most ultimate divine truth about how amazing you are and plugging your ears so as not to hear. This week ask how can you accept yourself more? how can you really understand how amazing you are and what you are capable of? Then determine what is it that scares you, that you know you are capable. Why are you staying small? This is the week for a leap of faith and getting out there in a way that serves that ultimate divine truth!
Looking for freedom from a frustrating situation? The sense I get this week is that you’re not listening. Not listening to your inner voice. Not listening to the people the Universe is putting in your path to get the message across. Now is the time to step up, speak up. Pay attention to the directions that surround you and then use your own voice. It’s that simple, don’t over-complicate now is the time to take action.
Trust is the big word this week for you. You will be safe, and although the circumstances are being arranged by the divine, the simple act of trusting and allowing this week is opening up doors you didn’t even realize were there. If you feel you’re flying blind this week, use the force, your awareness – because you’ve totally got this and the Universe has got your back!