While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of October 30th, 2017:
The energy is starting to shift in November this week, a powerful 11 month. Keep that in mind as throughout the week that energy shift will play a roll. Put that on top of the veil thining Halloween and you are sure to be in for some eye-opening clarity. When life gets stressful or tricky to understand or we are not seeing the progress we WANT many of us to veer towards wanting to control things, this week – at least at the start of the week. Focus on surrender. Focus on trust that a solution is on it’s way. You need to make a little space for the Divine to work (when you try hard to control outcomes and stress it creates resistance.) Then Boom! As the week progresses you will have the opportunity to upgrade your empowerment energy. To make choices that are for your highest good. Look deeply at why you are making the choices you are. Be sure you are coming from a place of compassion and what is really best not from a place of desperation and fear.
If this reading resonates with you, please share (at bottom of post) this post to expand the message to others who might also benefit.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
This card is interesting because it applies to you in one of 2 ways. Romantically or for business. So this applies to either a partner/lack of one or a client. This is a reminder basically that if it doesn’t feel good – don’t do it. Picture this: you are in need of some cash flow, so you have a longing for clients. That longing is actually the energy of lack so will repel clients. On the other hand, you feel into how wonderful it will be to connect with new soul mate clients. You allow that appreciation to fill up every cell in your body and ask what you can do to connect to them? Then trust your intuition. That energy attracts the clients to you and provides you with an inspired action step. Same rules apply for a romantic partner or a happy relationship. Another note here. If you’re getting the hit it’s time to let someone go, this may be the week to step up and speak up from a place of compassion.
OMG total theme this week for many of you. See these cards? Coming to life, Coming together reversed and coming apart? Time to let something go. It may be a relationship or a goal or business focus that is no longer in alignment. Maybe you have a business or romantic partnership that is no longer providing any benefit to you. This can also go the other way – maybe it’s time someone move on from you. Let it happen. Growth is waiting on the other side in ways you don’t even know yet!
This is a beauty of a card. Connect to your Divine within this week. Send your desires through this connection and add a side note ‘this or something better please’. Staying a little loose about it allows the Divine to add it’s own touch which creates more awesomeness than you could come up with on your own. Keep in contact with the Divine this week – that flow will help you so so much. Meditation, prayer you name it – it’s all good this week.