This post was originally written for the September 2015 Full Moon, but the ritual works for ANY full moon 🙂
There is a magical and beautiful Super Full Moon happening this weekend that also coincides with a total lunar eclipse among other intense celestial happenings.
This is pretty awesome as the last Super Moon Eclipse was in 1982 and the next won’t be until 2033, so kind of a big deal.
Here in Eastern Canada we will get to see the Eclipse – yahoo! Google your location to see if you’ll be able to fully view. The moon will turn an orange-red color and you will be able to practically feel your sacral chakra releasing negative emotions and soaking in the delicious light.
The eclipse will start to happen around 9 EST and the pinnacle of the event will take place around 10:50 EST on Sunday September 27th. Ok, so that is the info, now how do we use this powerful energy to take advantage?
Take some quiet time this weekend. Journal out what is happening for you right now. You will likely feel called to spend a little alone time anyway.
You can expect new doors to start opening for you following this Full Moon, so consider what doors you want to see open? How will you feel now that this new door is opening up? Feel it now and celebrate, it will allow it to manifest even faster.
A new relationship?
A business opportunity?
A change in location?
A new outlook on life?
More clarity?
Developing your potential?
For a new door to open, that usually means one is also closing. If you feel sadness by the change, remember that it is all for the best and you will be able to see the bigger picture in time. So if emotions come up, witness them and then release them and celebrate. Have a big cry if you want (you may have already), there are no rules on how is best for you to release. Big positive changes are coming your way and you are making room however works best for you.
It doesn’t matter if you can see it, the energy is still affecting you. When the moon is out it’s time to let it go. (hey if you’re in the mood even listen to the Disney song let it go – it makes me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME) You could light a candle or burn some incense to set the mood and relax. Of course being outside and absorbing that lovely moonlight will be absolutely ideal and magical. You may also want to prep by meditating quietly for a bit.
Think about what you have been considering in quiet today about doors opening and closing and send your intention to release all that is no longer serving you. If you want to be specific with this write out all that you want help releasing on a paper and burn them in a safe way. Visualizing them dissipating. Our sacral chakra are also so connected to the moon, so releasing any guilt you have been carrying around will be very effective, as will asking for clarity in relationships and a deeper understanding of others.
After you have released, express your gratitude for the new doors that are opening and for all that has gotten you to this point (even if it has been trying). Soak up the energy and ground yourself by taking a few breaths through your feet and releasing them through your crown as you feel the Moon and Universal energies surrounding you. Rest in gratitude for yourself and your amazing manifesting abilities.
You will continue to feel these changes integrating into your life for the next week. Be sure that you are resting if you feel like it and have as many epsom salt bath (or foot baths) as you can get in. Being in water will help to integrate these new energies beautifully.
You can personalize this ritual however you want with crystals that you feel drawn to or Google for a Wiccan spell if you are in the mood for super woo-woo. The point of this event is release and welcoming in the new opportunities that being given to us. Enjoy yourself and have fun, this is a beautiful time to be celebrated.