Your thoughts attract what you manifest. Ok, basic law of attraction 101, we know this much. But the thing is the Universe and the law of attraction don’t speak English, heck they don’t even speak any human language. They actually speak vibration.
So it’s a bit like being in a foreign country and trying to get directions. You watch the person you asked and use non-verbal clues to uncover what you are being directed to do. You see where they point, you see them smile or nod when you get it and shake their head when you don’t get it. It’s the same with law of attraction, so you have to pay attention to the subtle signs that the Universe gives you and that you give to it when you put in your order.
Say you want to manifest a new car. After your old car broke down, in exasperation you might say “Universe I want to manifest a new car!” while you are totally frustrated and upset with the car you have. What the Universe understands from that is the vibration or feeling you are putting off:
car = frustration
So it will give you more frustration around cars, until you changed the feeling or vibration you have about cars.
Now in contrast if you starting to consider how very lucky you are to be able to drive a car, how amazing technology has come, how the road conditions are generally safe, how happy you are to have a job to drive to/ kids to pick up/ money to deposit at the bank etc. You start to change your vibration. Once you are in that good feeling place you then say, in total gratitude for what you have “Universe I want to manifest a new car, that runs really well, that is affordable and that I love”. What the Universe understands is:
car = feeling good
Now that the Universe understands your request, you need to follow it’s directions to get there. Stay in that gratitude place as much as possible throughout the days and pay attention if you get inspired to visit a website, talk to someone or pull in to a car dealer. These inspired thoughts (or it could come as a commercial, song, something someone says etc.) are your non-verbal clues as to how to find that car that the Universe is working behind the scenes to get to you. Only when you start to tune in and ACT on these clues will REAL magic start.