I’m laid up in bed with a cold and sore throat after some intense Throat chakra work.
This has kept me super quiet this week and has also allowed me time to listen to some areas that wanted attention.
Last week holy effing truth – some I won’t even be sharing about with you for another 9 months!
I have been going deeply into my own truths and journey this week with my forced time off 🤔
I’m looking deeply at what is at the core of my business and why I do it – and why I have had to go through so many levels and focus areas. It’s because my purpose is to uplift women.
To bring a new level of happiness, self-reliance, purpose, and potential.
Not from a floaty out there place but from a grounded space of looking at what areas are causing the most discord and dealing with them head on and from behind, and from every direction.
I am a life and happiness coach at my core. Yes I have focused on each of these areas individually to master them to provide holistic happiness solutions.
This means: spirituality + intuition, business/career, personal development/ understanding relationships and work-life balance.
All of these areas surround us daily and balance/ understanding of these areas is a huge key. Deep healing of past experience, changing your patterns. Becoming inspired. Moving into your potential. THAT IS WHAT FEEDS ME.
Seeing women rise up to take their happiness, to stand in their power and purpose to make THEIR impact by releasing heavy energy and seeing their vision.
What is your why? Check out these videos for a little more inspiration: