Well damn. The cards this week are not taking it easy – in fact the opposite this is a great week of spiritual lessons that is leading you to advanced growth.
Focus on the energy of your business right now – where you are trying to go with it – where you are feeling stuck. Then choose a card below and scroll down for the reveal to see what guidance is in store for you and your spiritual business this week. Go with what you feel guided and choose card 1, 2 or 3 OR choose any number of them or any combination that feels right.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Ah – this is a bit of a tricky one. I’ve had this card MANY times in the last few years as I scootch into alignment in my business and ascend into greater understanding and acceptance of my power. While an aspect of your business may feel right now like it’s testing you – like nothing is working out to your expectations or to what you know is possible – it is all for a purpose. It may feel like you’re in the desert – but many creatures thrive there – now is your time to learn how to adapt. Much like the desert you need to go deep within to find nourishment. Search around for it on the outside will only get you so far – if you go within (or deep underground if we’re talking literal desert) you’ll find the nourishment you need to understand and thrive in this seemingly dry period. Even when you feel like nothing is happening – TRUST ME more is happening than you could possibly imagine – but it’s only inside you that you will start to see the changes that will be reflected on the outside. Get quiet with yourself this week – there is a lesson – and this is moving you forward.
I love this beautiful card when it’s upright you are fully charged, and gracefully balancing – even having fun with it. This week, however it’s reversed so some things to take into consideration;
Where are you not caring for yourself? What’s been feeling off? Your health? Overworking? Trying to push too hard? A relationship that is draining you that you have not put firm boundaries on yet? Sit with yourself this week and ask, what is draining me? What do I need to release and where have I given my power away. You can make GREAT strides this week – but be sure to nourish yourself to get there. What will make you feel great again? It’s time to get recharged. We sometimes need to slow down in order to spot the pieces that are just not working anymore.
Hello reality. There you are. You may have been spending some time in wishful thinking state lately – avoiding the REAL. In a pinch of denial about what vibration you are putting out there and ultimately what you’re attracting to your reality. Bummer – but now that you’re aware you can make the fix and flip it to attracting what you desire again. Hurts, failures and general ‘arrrg what is going on’ moments wake us up so that we can choose a new path – so that we can pivot to face the highest and best direction again. This week – it’s time to step out of the pain, release blame. Embody forgiveness and love and re-focus on what you want. As we are coming into the New Moon early next week, this is the perfect time for a fresh energetic start. This is a blessing time – even if it feels less than awesome it was required to wake you up! What DO YOU WANT? Connect with your heart and really ask. Then ask how you will feel when you get there. Then find ways to start to embody those emotions NOW.