To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating what we need to concentrate on to move forward in our life purpose. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Card 1 Justice
How do you feel after you have helped someone out of an unfair situation? If you chose this card than it likely feels REALLY good to you. Your life purpose involves keeping the justice. There are so many professions and associations out there that would benefit greatly from your passion. If you are not already working in some way to be sure that fairness prevails – I suggest poking around a bit and see what inspires you. This would be Batman’s life purpose card, so don’t ignore the calling! Your life purpose always leaves a trail of inspiration, if you just follow it things will start to get better and better. You also have great leadership skills and can easily provide guidance when you are called upon. If this is missing from your life, start to consider yourself a leader today and live your life that way. Everyday this week practice trusting yourself and your judgement.
Card 2 Bodywork
With all the toxic thinking, eating, drinking and whatnot that we are exposed to, now, more than ever our human bodies need help to feel great and get in alignment. This card indicates that your purpose has to do with the body. That can be a huge array of areas to draw upon. As you can see in the image and work where you work directly with a clients body is likely to be VERY beneficial to you and help to bring out your gifts even more. There is another side to this message to and it your task for the week. Take excellent care of yourself. Eat fantastic foods, drink a lot of water, meditation and start up or continue an exercise routine. That is when inspiration will come to you and you will develop you very own methods of healing others to heal.
Card 3 Spiritual Teacher
Holla! This was my card for the week, and it came at a perfect time. Choosing this card means that you will be spreading positive messages and helping others to heal through your teachings. You may not necessarily be teaching Spirituality, per say but what you are teaching and the way that you present it is wildly beneficial to all involved. This card differs from the ‘teacher’ card as what you are teaching will actually heal others. It’s like a combination teacher and healer. Others are naturally drawn to you to you as they see that you are trustworthy and passionate. You challenge is to remain focused on service, not money and work daily to release your ego and live from a place of love. Having quiet meditation time daily to tune into the guidance you are already receiving is going to supercharge your life purpose and get you moving.