To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. This week we are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
Have you been working on your personal development? My guess is yes, if you picked this card. You are becoming well versed in the art of calling yourself on your own bullshit and breaking out of your old patterns. You are also starting to recognize you best match for allies in your journey. You have come a long way and KNOW what to do next. As long as you are taking any action towards your dreams you are headed in the right direction. You have the knowledge and wisdom and have everything you need for success right there! Keep going!
Take it easy pretty little snail! Slow progress is still progress, and sometimes the step we need to take is sooo slow we feel like we are staying still. Rest assured things are happening under the surface. Trust will be a powerful thing for you to practice right now. Not only do I recommend you take it easy this week, I would also say that you actually enjoy the easy pace. Delight in it, and be sure to let go of that pesky ‘should’ or guilt. You are taking thr right steps!
You are going to be super happy with some results that are coming up! Why not start to allow yourself to feel that joy right now? Have you been noticing synchronicity? Great! Those are a sign of your wonderful path and all the effort that you have put in is paying off. To make the most of this energy spend as much time as feels right this week in complete gratitude and appreciation, you will inspire others! See that girl in the card? Can you handle that much joy? Get ready….