Get Your Free 5 Day Funnel Flow Challenge Now
Sales funnels can feel so automated and distant which is not ideal for most heart-centered business owners. Those of us that feel a deep connection to our clients, that get massive amounts of joy from what we offer. What I see most often is that sales funnels are then shied away from, saying they don’t feel right or can’t quite get them to work effectively.
Just like any other part of your business and marketing, it’s all about your perception, the energy that goes into it and intention you have. When you line up with your Soul purpose, what your dream clients need from you and step up to expand sales funnels can feel amazing and help boost your business like crazy.
To get you started here are my top 3 tips for feel good, aligned sales funnels that benefit and nurture your dream clients.
Clear intention and connection to your desired outcome
Just because funnels are technically a technical aspect, does not mean you should skip out on the energetic side of things. Before you even consider starting a funnel you need to get clear on a few things:
- What is your offering that you will funnel them into? Maybe it’s a passive product, maybe a physical product, maybe a free call that will lead to a higher end package. The choice is yours, but this is a must do step.
- What is your opt-in to offer up? This should be something that relates to your offer elegantly. You don’t likely want an opt-in that gives clarity on relationships and then offer up a business coaching session. Having an opt-in that is simple, provides great value and really gives your dream clients a taste of what it’s like to work with you. You can do some research here and ask previous clients, and in groups which of your brainstormed options is most enticing.
After you’re set on the above, set some clear intentions as to what you want the funnel to accomplish. How do you want your dream clients to feel throughout the process? How do you want them to feel as you make the sales offer?
Clear connection and love to your dream client
You are creating this funnel for dream clients, right? Don’t bother creating a funnel unless it is for your spectacular, best case scenario client. The magic will be so much more potent when you’re truly connected here. Before you sit down to work on your funnel, take a few minutes to open your heart and connect in deeply to your ideal client. Send them so much appreciation for being there, for being attracted to and working with you. Get the visual connection in your mind’s eye or feel or sense it in your body. Surround yourself with it. The more involved you are in the energy of your ideal client prior to and during your funnel planning and creation the more of an emotional impact it will create. AKA they will remember and love you right back.
If you feel some confusion on this step, take some time to get clear. It may be the case that you have multiple ideal clients – but for this funnel, you’re creating – you only have 1.
Clear confidence and value in your business
This should come as no surprise to seasoned business owners. The more confidence you have in yourself, your offer and your business the more great clients you will attract. The more value you see in everything from your opt-in to your offer to your gifts the more dynamic the energy and clear you can be to express it to your dream client.
So what happens if you’re feeling doubty or unsure of your value? Switch it up – and work on this consistently until you’re really feeling your worth.
There are TONS of ways to do this, mindset, energy, re-frame. A great approach is to first get how you’re really feeling on a sub-conscious level up to the surface. Consciously you may think ‘I know how great my work is, I know my value’, but subconsciously you may be pushing down some fears that cause energetic resistance to allowing clients. So get real with yourself for a bit, ask the tough questions and journal out how you are feeling is the first step to releasing old patterns that you do not need anymore. Write at the top of a paper ‘I don’t feel confident in my business because’ or ‘I don’t feel like I’m worthy of $XYZ because’ and let anything and everything pour out. It doesn’t have to make sense since these can be rooted in past perceived failures or even past lives. These can also be layered, meaning you’ve worked on this in the past – and were sure you got it all – but as you continue to step up in your power there is often a new layer that is revealed and can be released.
After you are clear on what needs to go you’ve got a few options:
- Get a 2nd piece of paper and write out all the reasons you are awesome, amazing, FULL of value and worthy. Destroy the paper with your doubts.
- Use EFT tapping to go through and release the limiting beliefs you wrote out until they just don’t feel true anymore.
- Use any modality of energy work that feels right, from sending it off with the angels, Theta, Reiki etc to release yourself from these heavy energies.
These 3 steps will build a great foundation for creating your sales funnel and attracting clients in general. If you want to learn more about Funnel Flow, my magical version of a sales funnel – grab the free 5-day funnel creation challenge at the top of this post, and join me on my private Facebook group.