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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of September 18th, 2017: Comfort zones are pulling BIG time this week. Maybe it’s because the potential is so vast and we are getting more and more clarity about our purpose and inner brilliance and that can honestly be scary! We keep ourselves trapped in situations that allow us to feel victimized as a way to shy away from our inner power. But it’s a matter of choice when we are ready to get out. As though you see yourself as you REALLY are in a mirror for the first time but you’ve spent all these years thinking you were less than so you look away quickly – but looking away from your potentials helps NOBODY. Speak up this week, and maybe take some time to connect and listen as well. What do you want? Are you asking for it? Are you actively moving towards it? Get ready to take a leap of faith this week. Believe in yourself and know that it is ok to love yourself and to shine.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Letting go can be tricky and we try so hard to hold on to things when we feel disappointed at losing them. Allow yourself some time to cleanse your spirit this week. Tears, showers, journalling, talking it out and baths are healing – be present with yourself but know a turnaround is only a shift in perspective away. Your growth is already blooming, allow yourself to see it.
You’re at the ‘kinda feels like struggle’ section of your transformation – and that is ok. Your challenge this week is to let go of how you think things SHOULD look, pull your power back and release that victim energy that is lingering. Know this discomfort is temporary as you allow yourself to feel the compassion you have within and the great power that lies just on the other side.
Fitting for the New Moon week, of course, is the Intention card. Literal magic is flowing out of you now. Allow some celebration energy to come in, and check in to be sure you’re fairly sharing the workload. Be sure you’re giving your Divine team their to-do’s, and if you feel overwhelmed in any area consider how you could get some help. This week your job is to own it – that vision of your life, with clarity and flexibility to flow with the magic.