November is always a powerful month for ascension consciousness, and the week of November 11th is one of my favourite times of the year to connect with my light body and anchor all the growth I have been working through.
2020 has been weird for sure, and not only is the 1111 gateway a powerful time for spiritual evolution, it’s also a message from the Divine to let go of what is keeping us on the other side of the door.
Consider yourself moving through this gateway into greater love, awareness and a deeper connection to self and purpose. Now ask yourself what beliefs, programs and habits do you want to leave behind? What is not making the cut to move through this gateway with you?
When I notice 1111 anytime throughout the year I get a message from my angel team, not a straight up “Everything is perfect! Great job! Rainbows! Great things!” It’s more of a coaching. More like, let go of what you do not want to take through this gateway with you. What thought patterns are you perpetuating that are causing you to dull who you are or your expression? How can you more deeply anchor into your light body and embody the energy of connection? There is also a piece in here around focusing on what you desire and not letting your self doubt trip you up. Plus I always get a big message of support. Almost like, regardless if you take action on the things we mentioned you are unconditionally love, supported and guided.
I invite you to connect into the energy of 1111 this week and feel into what you are moving through, and how you are becoming more of YOU.
I’m offering up 2 ways for you to anchor into this energy:
Remember to share in the Facebook group your experience with this energy.
Option 1: Listen to this guided journey to tap into your light body and the 1111 Gateway.
Option 2: If you are looking to go a little deeper and create more of a ritual around this Gateway listen to this Quantum Jump expanded ritual and meditation with your Mystic Membership to the Practical Ascension Portal. (under featured November content on the home page) Get all the details and sign up here.
Have a magical week!