Learn more about the Ascension Alchemy Method™ Intuition Masterclass Series here.
You may have heard me speak previously about some of the keys to practical ascension. These are foundational pieces, awareness and aspects that create an environment of ascension.
You may have heard me speak previously about some of the keys to practical ascension. These are foundational pieces, awareness and aspects that create an environment of ascension.
There is this zen saying that goes “Enlightenment is an accident, and practice makes us accident-prone.” When we practice these keys we are doing exactly that.
The practical ascension keys set you up for ascension, enlightenment and awakening so you are moving through one wave and another, and another. With every enlightenment (embodiment of light) you release more of old programming and step more deeply into your soul self, soul truth and soul expression.
Today I’m focused on key #2 the intuition, insight and discernment pathway and how you can utilize this pathway to support your awakening journey. Tapping into your own version of these soul gifts is pure gold during your spiritual journey and to support every area of your life.
When considering where we are at, and what is available to each of us on the spiritual path it really is amazing where we are headed.
In the last 20 years, and even more deeply in the last 10 we have been waking up in our individual and collective consciousness. Our connection to other realms of reality beyond what we experience with our senses in this 3D world are making themselves known. The key word here is subtle. When we are moving on the intuition pathway we are working with subtle energies. Living in the 3D world we are much more used to in your face, oh that is clearly a tree, or a sandwich or a dog. When we connect to the intuitive pathway we begin to realize there is much more to the picture. MUCH, much more.
The key of this pathway is not to open as much as your intuitive senses as fast as possible. It’s to bring your awareness into the picture. Mindfully decide you are ready to develop these senses, to practice your development, to trust the process, to have fun and move through wave after wave of enlightenment.
When developing your intuition it’s important to not compare yourself to anyone else (isn’t this always the way?) Since there are unlimited ways that our intuition can speak to us it won’t look exactly like anyone else, and it won’t move in the timeframe as anyone else.
There are the clair senses that many of us are familiar with clairvoyance (visualizing and even seeing messages with your minds eye and possibly physical eyes). This is like the ONE I find that most people have a subconscious marker for. Thinking that if I don’t see things I must not be getting as clear, as powerful or as accurate messages. This is totally false. Clairvoyance is simply one of the ways we interpret Divine intel. Next up is clairaudience. This is when you hear, again could be in your minds eye or with your actual ears. This is the thing about developing intuitively: it will come in waves of increasing clarity, confidence and understanding. It will start subtle most of the time, and with your conscious choice to allow and believe in yourself you let the tiny spark become a flame that is easy to interpret and understand.
We also have claircognizance where we just know something. These may come in when you simply feel a knowing that this is the right path for you. This is the right person to work with etc. This one can be tricky because unlike clairvoyance and clairaudience where you see and hear, even though it may be subtle you still have something to grasp on to. With claircognizance your mission is to honor and trust as much as possible and this can be a journey and challenge all its own.
Our intuitive journey highlights also our Soul development and will ask us to stretch more deeply into who we really are as we release the illusions and false programs we have been operating under.
We also have clairsentience. This is the interpretation that uses our physical body and quite often can be the easiest to feel. Because we naturally feel things in our body as a metaphor for what is going on with us mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Many of us are used to clairsentience and don’t even realize it.
There are also more specialized clair senses like smelling or tasting that may be a more natural soul gift or may develop as your other senses develop.
So with all these combinations of intuitive communication, plus our own unique system of decoding the messages, plus our own subconscious beliefs that either support or discourage us – every journey into intuition is truly unique and magical.
There is also the possibility of your intuition developing more right brained, as in the senses I mentioned or more left brained.
When you begin in the flow of left brained intuition you use tools like a pendulum and a protocol of questions or cards to interpret the answers. Sometimes these tools serve us for years, and other times they are a tiny stepping stone so that our logic can get on board and let us bloom into our clear senses.
When you have gratitude for yourself, for this seed, bud or flowering plant of intuition and have fun on the journey without judgement you will develop greater clarity and be blown away by how connected you actually are.
When we look at the intuition pathway logically we are actually supported by science in many ways. Yes there is lots of catching up to do, and in my opinion much progress will be made the more scientists and researchers open their minds and continue to break down and dissolve this materialism that what we experience and observe with our 3D senses is what is real.
There are a number of leaders in this exploration of intuitive sense and energy. We might not hear about it in the mainstream but we are seeing glimpses of science showing us more of the unseen world. As we demystify and claim this as a natural part of life even more of the population will begin to wake up.
If you are called right now to explore this intuition pathway you are one of the trail blazers and here to help not only yourself reclaim these abilities but help to tip the scales in for the whole collective.
If you happen to be called to touch on the science side, anything by Ervin Lazlo or Rupert Sheldrake will point you in the right direction. For some lighter explanations the book Real Magic, Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe by Dean Radin is a fun place to start. When our logic gets on board with our intuitive knowing things begin to move and flow as we release the restrictions that we hold on what is possible for us.
I myself have been on the journey of self exploration of these gifts for the last 23+ years and it has only been in the last 7 that I have actually allowed myself to claim this as possible for me. Once this mindset shift occurred it opened the door for the truly magical world of intuition to explode into my reality bit by bit.
My progression to connect to my intuitive, subtle senses or psychic abilities was a conscious choice and process. A choice that I made over and over again because of this deep soul calling to know myself and the knowing that said ‘this is a natural part of who you are, this is worth exploring even if it means you have to let go of what you think of as normal and break into the strange and unknown’.
If you are in this space, ready to consciously activate your intuitive gifts and make the choice to remember and utilize this natural part of yourself I encourage you to dig more deeply into this pathway.
This powerful pathway connects you back into your inner knowing and prepares you for the increasing world wide transformation that is underway where your discernment will play a key role in moving forward. Who is the right teacher for me? What is the right food, or supplement? What is my purpose? Is the info I’m receiving from this card reading on point for me? Discernment is key for moving forward in your most empowered waay and having insider access to your intuition and Divine knowing sure makes the process easier and WAY more magical.
Making choices that are aligned to your highest and best good and the highest and best good of all involved as opposed to choices that have been manipulated by other agendas (even marketing agendas!) will serve you for your entire life.
The more you connect to these natural soul gifts that are so needed at this time the more you will step into your role as a leader and wayshower for yourself and those around you.
You are here now for a reason and if you are called to help create this new reality deepening your connection to your insight will be hugely impactful for your path forward.
With the Practical Ascension framework I have created a series of classes to help you more deeply connect into your intuition, insight and discernment at this powerful time in human evolution.
I’m excited to announce that enrollment is now open for my Ascension Alchemy Method™ Intuition Masterclass series. If you feel the call to explore this area deeper you can find the link in the show notes below. (CLICK HERE)
This 3 series masterclass (I’d call this an intermediate level) works with a combination of teaching, mindset and energy work to help anchor you in the most practical way possible back to the truth of who you are and connection to your Soul gifts. We will explore your unique process of unfolding these gifts within yourself and how to calibrate and work with your soul gifts for your highest and best good and impact.
I’m so thrilled to be offering this masterclass series and helping you to anchor more of your Soul self.
This is some seriously fun stuff.
When you tap in at this level you are also taking your focus and attention off of ‘what is’ that is the persistent programming and habits that you are living in. You begin to feel where things are out of balance and with your practice of looking within (insight) and tapping into your Divine connection (intuition) you move into clarity on what is your highest and best path forward (discernment). From here you make choices based on your intuition (slowly building up your courage and trust over time).
Now when you are making choices from the place of Soul, of intuition you are also stepping into your Soul self. You are disrupting the patterns of just going along with life and you are participating to the fullest of your abilities to co-create a reality that you adore.
If you resonate with this message then checkout the link here to learn more about my Intuition Masterclass Series and feel into if it’s the right fit for you.
Thank you for joining me. Have an amazing day!