Be who you came here to be.

Reconnect to your true self.

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Including The Sovereignty and Empowerment Activation!

Hi! I'm Tracy!

I'm a Spiritual Teacher and a Practical Ascension Guide. I work with the spiritual, mindset and emotional levels to Shamanically guide and coach you to the core of who you are. As the creator of intuitive development and personal mastery systems as well as energy healing modalities, I understand the depth that it takes to access your Ascended frequency and the unmistakable feeling of Soul fulfilment when you are tapped in.

Learn more about my tools and gifts here.

Check out what some of my past clients have to say. 

Jacquelyn Rodriguez

Untethered Business Coaching

“I would highly recommend this class to any light worker that is looking for different tools that will expand their lives. I noticed that I'm way more open that I thought. My energy has been aligned with growth.  I love seeing my gifts come to light!”

“ I just finished the advanced Akashic record class with Tracy and I am really happy that I made the decision to take the class. My understanding of the akashic has grown exponentially and my ability to also access and go deep in the akashic has grown significantly to. One of the main purposes of the course was to find our own modality. I was nervous about this however Tracy guided and supported me so beautifully that I did uncover it and now I feel so empowered from learning to use it and practise it. Tracy is a brilliant teacher who is highly knowledgeable and makes the study and discovery of akashic so exciting, fun and empowering. Thank you! for all your gifts and all that you do!! xx”

Ascension Shaman

Part of my work in this lifetime is to assist in the transition, this great awakening and restructuring we are collectively feeling as a human species. 

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Ascension is our process of human evolution into greater potential, harmony, health and vitality as individuals and as a whole. We are rising, and headed in awe inspiring directions, yet this period, where we are still the butterfly in the dark working it’s way out of the chrysalis, can be all kinds of crazy. We are being initiated into the unknown, working with our shadows and gifts and all the messiness and joy that it brings. 


Shaman is one who sees in the dark, one who knows. A shaman is a bridge between two worlds, in this case our current reality and our more deeply connected ascended state. The word Shaman comes from the Manchu-Tungus language in Siberia. Every culture across the world has (or has had) their version of a shaman. This role is becoming increasingly crucial as we navigate mental, emotional, spiritual and physical shifts in our reality.

Being an Ascension Shaman is not something you do for a job, but ingrained in who you are. The more you begin to explore, understand and practice your unique shamanic energy the more you witness it fill up every area of your life with depth and interconnection.

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