When you want to break free of old patterns and create something new and wonderful for yourself there are a few components that go into making the transformation happen on a conscious level. We can get so addicted to ways of thinking and feeling that until we disrupt the pattern with these components we may find ourselves feeling stuck yet not quite sure on how to move forward or shift.
1 > Intention
Most of us are aware of this basic first step. When you want to shift something it’s beneficial to ask what do I want? How do I want to feel instead of how I feel now? What do I want to see in my life instead of what I see now? This is where journaling, vision boards and similar come into play.
2 > Awareness and Acceptance of Now
We don’t have to like where we are now in order to accept it, but the faster we can come to peace with our current circumstance, the faster we can shift away from it. When we resist and get caught up in what is going on we can stay in the same loop for years. Awareness of where you are at now is your first step and then moving to a place of acceptance in order to let go of your old skin and begin to see the path with clarity to your transformation.
3 > Dedicated Focus (Mindfulness)
In order to shift to something that feels better, we need to get into the habit of choosing the best feeling thought and emotion we have available. If you are in a dark place then you don’t have to jump all the way to joyful celebration, just any better feeling thought or emotion is progress. Choosing and dedicating yourself to reaching for the best feeling though will help to raise your vibration to the place where you allow your perception to take in the next best steps and stay in the state of hope, until it turns to faith, then confidence and security and finally fruition. Keeping your dedicated focus, at least for part of the day on what you want to bring into your life not only feels good, but it supports your transformation. It will take effort.
4 > Connection
We must be willing to be connected above, below and all around us to bring all the parts and pieces together to create the shift. When we are connected to the Earth and grounded we welcome in focus and peace. When we have connected above we welcome in clarity and Divine support. When we are connected all around to people who uplift, inspire and bring us joy we are setting ourselves up for opportunities and helpers that will guide the way. It’s nearly impossible to sit alone on an island and just focus on what we want and have it come to fruition. We need connections so we are reminded that we are part of a much bigger picture and have outside influences and support always available.
5 > Daily Reminder (Mindset)
A daily checkin with yourself. How are you feeling? Where are you feeling resistance? Where are you feeling great? Where are things really feeling in the flow? Then refocusing again on that which you desire to bring into your life with gratitude and connection.
6 > Intuitive Action
As much as others may be experts trusting your own intuitive guidance will get you further faster and in a more flowing aligned way than anything else. It is wonderful to get guidance from others, especially if they have been down a similar path yet don’t get caught up in blind following. Action steps that are inspired and intuitive always lead to the best miracles. Asking yourself consistently what can I do today/ this week/ this month/ this year to align me and move me closer to my desired outcome. Then follow your own advice. You often know the path yet are not tuned in or trusting that it is the right direction. If it feels expansive, supportive and maybe a little scary you are headed in the right direction.
7 > Fun
Yes having fun with the process, laughing, having gratitude. Maybe even some tears of happiness at how cool this whole deal is will speed things right along. Being curious about what is coming next instead of fearful. It’s rare that we can see the whole path or know EXACTLY what is next for us, but when we carry this childlike wonder and awe for the journey we will constantly be rewarded with circumstances that make us go – well that was cool. Accept that you have cycles and it’s not always time for fast-paced action. Don’t take things so heavy and serious and you will see how to flow like water around obstacles instead of getting caught up at every turn that you didn’t expect.
I’ll be offering a series of simple challenges to get you working with these 7 components so that you can create serious, yet totally fun transformation in your life. First up is my 7 Day Mindfulness Challenge to get you to a place of awareness and reconnect you to yourself.
Get all the details and sign up for the 7 Day Mindfulness Challenge HERE.