While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast:
The New Moon last week was a doozy, and we are feeling it this week too! As we set our intentions at the New Moon and start to clear the way (our own beliefs and tightly held patterns) we are reminded that everything is connected. It’s like there is this stream or grid that we are all a part of – that every experience we have is included in. When you are wrapped up in your circumstance and feel separate, remember that you are a big part of the flow and your choices affect the whole. You are connected to the Divine flow and to the collective always. The more you manage this connection to accept the abundance of the Universe AND flow it into the World the more success you’ll find in all areas.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Let’s talk patterns today. What are you repeating that you are honestly just totally done with, yet you find yourself going back to it again and again? Yes this could be a straightforward addition, a substance from sugar to alcohol that you stay with consistently despite wanting to stop. It may also be a pattern of sabotage that you continue to repeat. Chances are something has come to mind – and guess what, I have great news! News for growth, it looks like you’re at a crossroads here, the energy is with you to release this addicting pattern. Even if you don’t know how right now be willing to change and surrender your worries and fears about the situation. You can let them go now. Release feeling like a victim and for a few moments remember who you are. The insane amount of power and Divinity you possess will allow you to take any path you CHOOSE. For now, make a choice and surrender, the opportunity will present itself for you to express your power and choice.
Opportunities are a knockin! You ar entering new territory and there may not yet be a path here but that works for you. You were never meant to go along a tidy path, you were meant to carve your own path and shine a light for others to see. You know the way – those answers are deep within. Now is the time to trust. You are safe even in this unknown territory, just remember to trust your intuition.
Yes, love this (especially if you got the flying card reversed last week). It’s time to allow for a new perspective this week. Allow yourself to float above and detach from your situation. Neutrality is your friend right now. Your guides are gathered at this time as you are coming to an end with a struggle you’ve been dealing with for a while now. Continue detaching and seeing your situation as the growth and blessing that it is, then reach up a bit higher, you can achieve this and are well on your way. Keep at it.