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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of October 16th, 2017:
Ya, the healing might be taking longer than you expected. Ya, there is a TON of stuff that is coming up for us to heal globally and individually. And yes that can take a toll on you and those around you. The positive aspect is that there is hope. That it is being healed. Our challenge is one of great forgiveness and compassion right now. Towards others we don’t feel ‘deserve’ it and towards ourselves. It feels like the last few months of this year you will hear this message from me time and again because the path of healing much of our hurts starts with opening up to hope, then forgiveness and compassion. If you are reading this you are one of the many that has come into this life with huge bravery and resilience to go the dark parts and invite in the light. On a practical level this is also a great week to declutter your house physically. To journal, do energy work or EFT to declutter your emotions. As we come into the New Moon near week’s end be sure you are tying up loose ends and wrapping up projects. You’ve got this. Keep going.
If this reading resonates with you, please share (at bottom of post) this post to expand the message to others who might also benefit.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
There is a reason it’s the same few cards that come up week after week. Because we are in a lesson and our guides and higher selves are ready for us to wrap things up. To fully grasp what is happening and make the choice to go down the path – fully in our power. There is likely a shift in direction that would be better suited for you if you’re feeling stuck. For now, declutter the overwhelm and noise in your head and be ready and flexible when the time comes to shift directions, you with your clear head and solid ground will be ready.
I find this card interesting in this placement again this week. Exact same as last week. A theme that is continuing on for another week. Mindfulness is the order of the week. When you are triggered or react to things what is making you tick? Pay special attention to things that trigger you and ask, why does this bother me. Journal or keep asking why until you hit a root, then start to allow that to be revealed and healed. While this is a business energy reading, this card specifically is signaling that it’s time to take stock of areas of your life and see where you might be ignoring. Draw a big circle with all areas of your life and color them in, according to your satisfaction level in each – see what areas need your focus this week and trust.
Not the best week for a huge commitment truth be told. Wait until after the New Moon when things become more clear. In the meantime pay attention to your intuition, if something feels like a let down lately – know there is something better coming for you. Patience and trust. Heal this week and get ready.